This is a little Python script to generate Cohen's Kappa and Weighted Kappa measures for inter-rater reliability (or inter-rater agreement).
Cohen's Kappa is used to find the agreement between two raters and two categories. Weighted Kappa can be used for two raters and any number of ordinal categories.
A good source to understand these measures:
- Python (tested on both 2.7 and 3.7)
- NumPy
- docopt
- pytest (to run the tests)
You can install the dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
For a quick example you can run with one of the fixture files, e.g.
python -cv -f test/fixtures/comma_separated.txt -u [--help] [--linear|--unweighted|--squared] [--verbose] [--csv] --filename <filename>
-h, --help Show this
-l, --linear Linear weights for disagreements (default)
-u, --unweighted Cohen's Kappa (unweighted agreement/disagreement)
-s, --squared Squared weights for disagreements
-v, --verbose Include number of categories and subjects in the output
-c, --csv For text files with comma-separated values
-f <filename>, --filename <filename> The filename to process, with pairs of integers on each line. The values in each pair correspond to the rating that each of the two reviewers gave to a particular subject. The pairs must be whitespaced-separated (or comma-separated, with the -c flag).
From the command line, use the following command to run the test cases
python -m pytest