This application, developed by Code for Charlotte, helps automate the CMPD Explorers Christmas Project.
Run npm install
to install the dependencies.
Then run npm start
to start the server in development mode. Access
the application on http://localhost:3000.
NodeJS 7 is required.
Install dependencies: npm install
Set up a account. Copy ./config/env_example.js
to ./config/env_development.js
, then edit the file with your
mailtrap account details.
Run app, and restart when code changes: npm run nodemon
Seed database: node seeds
Run tests: npm test
Check and fix code style: npm run lint
Why we chose Node.js over PHP:
includes default values. Some defaults are specific to production
, testing
, and development
You can copy ./config/env_shared_example.js
to ./config/env_shared.js
to override defaults across all environments.
Copy ./config/env_example.js
to ./config/env_[environment].js
to override settings for that specific environment.
The env_[environment].js
values override any colliding env_shared.js
values in that particular environment.
- Slack account registration:
- Slack channel:
- Issue tracker:
The backend is an Express application running in Node. Some newer ES6 features are used.
Authentication is provided by Passport. Passwords are encrypted using bcrypt.
Data is stored in an Sqlite database using the Sequelize ORM. Some of the fields are encrypted using sequelize-encrpyted.
Email in development environment is sent through A mailtrap account will be required to test email services.
The frontend is written in Vue and Less. It is assembled using Webpack and vue-loader. The theme is AdminLTE, based on Bootstrap 3.
Tests are run using Jasmine. Coding style is enforced by eslint.