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HarrisonGrodin committed Oct 4, 2023
1 parent c984233 commit 756631e
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Showing 9 changed files with 97 additions and 98 deletions.
30 changes: 8 additions & 22 deletions src/Examples/Sorting/Comparable.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
open import Calf.CostMonoid
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}

open import Algebra.Cost
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ)

module Examples.Sorting.Comparable
(costMonoid : CostMonoid) (fromℕ : CostMonoid.ℂ costMonoid) where

open CostMonoid costMonoid using (ℂ)

open import Calf costMonoid
open import Calf.Types.Bool
open import Calf.Types.Bounded costMonoid
open import Calf costMonoid hiding (A)
open import Calf.Data.Bool using (bool)
open import Calf.Data.IsBounded costMonoid

open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,24 +59,8 @@ NatComparable = record
; ≤-antisym = ≤-antisym
; _≤?_ = λ x y step (F (meta⁺ (Dec (x ≤ y)))) (fromℕ 1) (ret (x ≤? y))
; ≤?-total = λ x y u (x ≤? y) , (step/ext (F _) (ret _) (fromℕ 1) u)
; h-cost = λ _ _ -refl
; h-cost = λ _ _ ≤⁻-refl
open import Calf.Types.Nat

open import Data.Nat
open import Calf.Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties

ret-injective : {𝕊 v₁ v₂} ret {U (meta 𝕊)} v₁ ≡ ret {U (meta 𝕊)} v₂ v₁ ≡ v₂
ret-injective {𝕊} = Eq.cong (λ e bind {U (meta 𝕊)} (meta 𝕊) e id)

reflects : {x y b} ◯ (step (F bool) (fromℕ 1) (ret (x ≤ᵇ y)) ≡ ret {bool} b Reflects (x ≤ y) b)
reflects {x} {y} {b} u h with ret-injective (Eq.subst (_≡ ret b) (step/ext (F bool) (ret (x ≤ᵇ y)) (fromℕ 1) u) h)
... | refl = ≤ᵇ-reflects-≤ x y

reflects⁻¹ : {x y b} ◯ (Reflects (x ≤ y) b step (F (U (meta Bool))) (fromℕ 1) (ret (x ≤ᵇ y)) ≡ ret b)
reflects⁻¹ {x} {y} u h with x ≤ᵇ y | invert (≤ᵇ-reflects-≤ x y)
reflects⁻¹ {x} {y} u (ofʸ x≤y) | false | ¬x≤y = contradiction x≤y ¬x≤y
reflects⁻¹ {x} {y} u (ofⁿ ¬x≤y) | false | _ = step/ext (F bool) (ret false) (fromℕ 1) u
reflects⁻¹ {x} {y} u (ofʸ x≤y) | true | _ = step/ext (F bool) (ret true) (fromℕ 1) u
reflects⁻¹ {x} {y} u (ofⁿ ¬x≤y) | true | x≤y = contradiction x≤y ¬x≤y
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions src/Examples/Sorting/Core.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
open import Calf.CostMonoid
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}

open import Algebra.Cost
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ)
open import Examples.Sorting.Comparable

Expand All @@ -9,9 +11,9 @@ module Examples.Sorting.Core

open Comparable M

open import Calf costMonoid
open import Calf.Types.Product
open import Calf.Types.List
open import Calf costMonoid hiding (A)
open import Calf.Data.Product using (_×⁺_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Calf.Data.List using (list; []; _∷_; _∷ʳ_; [_]; length; _++_; reverse)

open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,10 +88,10 @@ uncons₂ : ∀ {x xs} → Sorted (x ∷ xs) → Sorted xs
uncons₂ (h ∷ sorted) = sorted

sorted-of : val (list A) val (list A) tp pos
sorted-of l l' = prod⁺ (meta⁺ (l ↭ l')) (sorted l')
sorted-of l l' = meta⁺ (l ↭ l') ×⁺ (sorted l')

sort-result : val (list A) tp pos
sort-result l = Σ++ (list A) (sorted-of l)
sort-result l = Σ (list A) (sorted-of l)

sorting : tp neg
sorting = Π (list A) λ l F (sort-result l)
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/Examples/Sorting/Sequential.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}

module Examples.Sorting.Sequential where

open import Examples.Sorting.Sequential.Comparable

open import Calf costMonoid
open import Calf.Types.Nat
open import Calf.Types.List
open import Calf.Data.Nat
open import Calf.Data.List

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_)
open import Data.Product using (_,_)
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/Examples/Sorting/Sequential/Comparable.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}

module Examples.Sorting.Sequential.Comparable where

open import Calf.CostMonoid public
open import Calf.CostMonoids
open import Algebra.Cost public

costMonoid = ℕ-CostMonoid

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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/Examples/Sorting/Sequential/Core.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}

open import Examples.Sorting.Sequential.Comparable

module Examples.Sorting.Sequential.Core (M : Comparable) where

open import Calf.CostMonoid
open import Algebra.Cost
open CostMonoid costMonoid
hiding (zero; _+_; _≤_; ≤-refl; ≤-trans) public

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50 changes: 26 additions & 24 deletions src/Examples/Sorting/Sequential/InsertionSort.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}

open import Examples.Sorting.Sequential.Comparable

module Examples.Sorting.Sequential.InsertionSort (M : Comparable) where

open Comparable M
open import Examples.Sorting.Sequential.Core M

open import Calf costMonoid
open import Calf.Types.Bool
open import Calf.Types.List
open import Calf.Types.Eq
open import Calf.Types.BoundedG costMonoid
open import Calf.Types.Bounded costMonoid
open import Calf.Types.BigO costMonoid
open import Calf costMonoid hiding (A)
open import Calf.Data.Bool using (bool)
open import Calf.Data.List
open import Calf.Data.Equality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Calf.Data.IsBoundedG costMonoid
open import Calf.Data.IsBounded costMonoid
open import Calf.Data.BigO costMonoid

open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation
Expand All @@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ import Data.Nat.Properties as N
open import Data.Nat.Square

insert : cmp (Π A λ x Π (list A) λ l Π (sorted l) λ _ F (Σ++ (list A) λ l' sorted-of (x ∷ l) l'))
insert : cmp (Π A λ x Π (list A) λ l Π (sorted l) λ _ F (Σ (list A) λ l' sorted-of (x ∷ l) l'))
insert x [] [] = ret ([ x ] , refl , [] ∷ [])
insert x (y ∷ ys) (h ∷ hs) =
bind (F _) (x ≤? y) $ case-≤
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,25 +56,25 @@ insert/total x (y ∷ ys) (h ∷ hs) u with ≤?-total x y u
insert/cost : cmp (Π A λ _ Π (list A) λ _ cost)
insert/cost x l = step⋆ (length l)

insert/is-bounded : x l h IsBoundedG (Σ++ (list A) λ l' sorted-of (x ∷ l) l') (insert x l h) (insert/cost x l)
insert/is-bounded x [] [] = -refl
insert/is-bounded : x l h IsBoundedG (Σ (list A) λ l' sorted-of (x ∷ l) l') (insert x l h) (insert/cost x l)
insert/is-bounded x [] [] = ≤⁻-refl
insert/is-bounded x (y ∷ ys) (h ∷ hs) =
bound/bind/const {_} {Σ++ (list A) λ l' sorted-of (x ∷ (y ∷ ys)) l'}
bound/bind/const {_} {Σ (list A) λ l' sorted-of (x ∷ (y ∷ ys)) l'}
{x ≤? y}
{case-≤ _ _}
(length ys)
(h-cost x y)
λ { (yes x≤y) step-monoˡ- (ret _) (z≤n {length ys})
λ { (yes x≤y) step-monoˡ-≤⁻ (ret _) (z≤n {length ys})
; (no ¬x≤y) insert/is-bounded x ys hs

sort : cmp sorting
sort [] = ret ([] , refl , [])
sort (x ∷ xs) =
bind (F (Σ++ (list A) (sorted-of (x ∷ xs)))) (sort xs) λ (xs' , xs↭xs' , sorted-xs')
bind (F (Σ++ (list A) (sorted-of (x ∷ xs)))) (insert x xs' sorted-xs') λ (x∷xs' , x∷xs↭x∷xs' , sorted-x∷xs')
bind (F (Σ (list A) (sorted-of (x ∷ xs)))) (sort xs) λ (xs' , xs↭xs' , sorted-xs')
bind (F (Σ (list A) (sorted-of (x ∷ xs)))) (insert x xs' sorted-xs') λ (x∷xs' , x∷xs↭x∷xs' , sorted-x∷xs')
ret (x∷xs' , trans (prep x xs↭xs') x∷xs↭x∷xs' , sorted-x∷xs')

sort/total : IsTotal sort
Expand All @@ -86,18 +88,18 @@ sort/total (x ∷ xs) u = ↓
(λ e
bind (F (Σ++ (list A) (sorted-of (x ∷ xs)))) e λ (xs' , xs↭xs' , sorted-xs')
bind (F (Σ++ (list A) (sorted-of (x ∷ xs)))) (insert x xs' sorted-xs') λ (x∷xs' , x∷xs↭x∷xs' , sorted-x∷xs')
bind (F (Σ (list A) (sorted-of (x ∷ xs)))) e λ (xs' , xs↭xs' , sorted-xs')
bind (F (Σ (list A) (sorted-of (x ∷ xs)))) (insert x xs' sorted-xs') λ (x∷xs' , x∷xs↭x∷xs' , sorted-x∷xs')
ret (x∷xs' , trans (prep x xs↭xs') x∷xs↭x∷xs' , sorted-x∷xs'))
(Valuable.proof (sort/total xs u))
( bind (F (Σ++ (list A) (sorted-of (x ∷ xs)))) (insert x xs' sorted-xs') λ (x∷xs' , x∷xs↭x∷xs' , sorted-x∷xs')
( bind (F (Σ (list A) (sorted-of (x ∷ xs)))) (insert x xs' sorted-xs') λ (x∷xs' , x∷xs↭x∷xs' , sorted-x∷xs')
ret (x∷xs' , _ , sorted-x∷xs')
(λ e
bind (F (Σ++ (list A) (sorted-of (x ∷ xs)))) e λ (x∷xs' , x∷xs↭x∷xs' , sorted-x∷xs')
bind (F (Σ (list A) (sorted-of (x ∷ xs)))) e λ (x∷xs' , x∷xs↭x∷xs' , sorted-x∷xs')
ret (x∷xs' , trans (prep x xs↭xs') x∷xs↭x∷xs' , sorted-x∷xs'))
(Valuable.proof (insert/total x xs' sorted-xs' u))
Expand All @@ -107,16 +109,16 @@ sort/total (x ∷ xs) u = ↓
sort/cost : cmp (Π (list A) λ _ cost)
sort/cost l = step⋆ (length l ²)

sort/is-bounded : l IsBoundedG (Σ++ (list A) (sorted-of l)) (sort l) (sort/cost l)
sort/is-bounded [] = -refl
sort/is-bounded : l IsBoundedG (Σ (list A) (sorted-of l)) (sort l) (sort/cost l)
sort/is-bounded [] = ≤⁻-refl
sort/is-bounded (x ∷ xs) =
let open -Reasoning cost in
let open ≤⁻-Reasoning cost in
( bind cost (sort xs) λ (xs' , xs↭xs' , sorted-xs')
bind cost (insert x xs' sorted-xs') λ _
step⋆ zero
≤⟨ bind-monoʳ- (sort xs) (λ (xs' , xs↭xs' , sorted-xs') insert/is-bounded x xs' sorted-xs') ⟩
≤⟨ bind-monoʳ-≤⁻ (sort xs) (λ (xs' , xs↭xs' , sorted-xs') insert/is-bounded x xs' sorted-xs') ⟩
( bind cost (sort xs) λ (xs' , xs↭xs' , sorted-xs')
step⋆ (length xs')
Expand All @@ -128,9 +130,9 @@ sort/is-bounded (x ∷ xs) =
( bind cost (sort xs) λ _
step⋆ (length xs)
≤⟨ bind-monoˡ- (λ _ step⋆ (length xs)) (sort/is-bounded xs) ⟩
≤⟨ bind-monoˡ-≤⁻ (λ _ step⋆ (length xs)) (sort/is-bounded xs) ⟩
step⋆ ((length xs ²) + length xs)
≤⟨ step⋆-mono- (N.+-mono-≤ (N.*-monoʳ-≤ (length xs) (N.n≤1+n (length xs))) (N.n≤1+n (length xs))) ⟩
≤⟨ step⋆-mono-≤⁻ (N.+-mono-≤ (N.*-monoʳ-≤ (length xs) (N.n≤1+n (length xs))) (N.n≤1+n (length xs))) ⟩
step⋆ (length xs * length (x ∷ xs) + length (x ∷ xs))
≡⟨ Eq.cong step⋆ (N.+-comm (length xs * length (x ∷ xs)) (length (x ∷ xs))) ⟩
step⋆ (length (x ∷ xs) ²)
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25 changes: 13 additions & 12 deletions src/Examples/Sorting/Sequential/MergeSort.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}

open import Examples.Sorting.Sequential.Comparable

module Examples.Sorting.Sequential.MergeSort (M : Comparable) where

open Comparable M
open import Examples.Sorting.Sequential.Core M

open import Calf costMonoid
open import Calf.Types.Unit
open import Calf.Types.Product
open import Calf.Types.Bool
open import Calf.Types.Nat
open import Calf.Types.List
open import Calf.Types.Eq
open import Calf.Types.BoundedG costMonoid
open import Calf.Types.Bounded costMonoid
open import Calf.Types.BigO costMonoid
open import Calf costMonoid hiding (A)
open import Calf.Data.Product
open import Calf.Data.Bool
open import Calf.Data.Nat
open import Calf.Data.List using (list; []; _∷_; _∷ʳ_; [_]; length; _++_; reverse)
open import Calf.Data.Equality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Calf.Data.IsBoundedG costMonoid
open import Calf.Data.IsBounded costMonoid
open import Calf.Data.BigO costMonoid

open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ sort/clocked/cost : cmp $ Π nat λ k → Π (list A) λ l → Π (meta⁺ (⌈l
sort/clocked/cost k l _ = step⋆ (k * length l)

sort/clocked/is-bounded : k l h IsBoundedG (sort-result l) (sort/clocked k l h) (sort/clocked/cost k l h)
sort/clocked/is-bounded zero l h = -refl
sort/clocked/is-bounded zero l h = ≤⁻-refl
sort/clocked/is-bounded (suc k) l h =
{e = split l}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ sort/clocked/is-bounded (suc k) l h =
(merge/is-bounded (l₁' , l₂') _)
λ _

sort : cmp (Π (list A) λ l F (sort-result l))
Expand Down
39 changes: 20 additions & 19 deletions src/Examples/Sorting/Sequential/MergeSort/Merge.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}

open import Examples.Sorting.Sequential.Comparable

module Examples.Sorting.Sequential.MergeSort.Merge (M : Comparable) where

open Comparable M
open import Examples.Sorting.Sequential.Core M

open import Calf costMonoid
open import Calf.Types.Unit
open import Calf.Types.Product
open import Calf.Types.Bool
open import Calf.Types.Nat
open import Calf.Types.List
open import Calf.Types.Eq
open import Calf.Types.BoundedG costMonoid
open import Calf.Types.Bounded costMonoid
open import Calf costMonoid hiding (A)
open import Calf.Data.Product
open import Calf.Data.Bool using (bool)
open import Calf.Data.Nat using (nat)
open import Calf.Data.List using (list; []; _∷_; _∷ʳ_; [_]; length; _++_; reverse)
open import Calf.Data.Equality
open import Calf.Data.IsBoundedG costMonoid
open import Calf.Data.IsBounded costMonoid

open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_; refl; module ≡-Reasoning)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,11 +43,11 @@ prep' {x} {xs} y {ys} {l} h =

merge/type : val pair tp pos
merge/type (l₁ , l₂) = Σ++ (list A) λ l sorted-of (l₁ ++ l₂) l
merge/type (l₁ , l₂) = Σ (list A) λ l sorted-of (l₁ ++ l₂) l

merge/clocked : cmp $
Π nat λ k Π pair λ (l₁ , l₂)
Π (prod⁺ (sorted l₁) (sorted l₂)) λ _
Π (sorted l₁ ×⁺ sorted l₂) λ _
Π (meta⁺ (length l₁ + length l₂ ≡ k)) λ _
F (merge/type (l₁ , l₂))
merge/clocked zero ([] , [] ) (sorted₁ , sorted₂ ) h = ret ([] , refl , [])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,30 +85,30 @@ merge/clocked/total (suc k) (x ∷ xs , y ∷ ys) (h₁ ∷ sorted₁ , h₂ ∷

merge/clocked/cost : cmp $
Π nat λ k Π pair λ (l₁ , l₂)
Π (prod⁺ (sorted l₁) (sorted l₂)) λ _
Π (sorted l₁ ×⁺ sorted l₂) λ _
Π (meta⁺ (length l₁ + length l₂ ≡ k)) λ _
F unit
merge/clocked/cost k _ _ _ = step⋆ k

merge/clocked/is-bounded : k p s h IsBoundedG (merge/type p) (merge/clocked k p s h) (merge/clocked/cost k p s h)
merge/clocked/is-bounded zero ([] , [] ) (sorted₁ , sorted₂ ) h = -refl
merge/clocked/is-bounded (suc k) ([] , l₂ ) ([] , sorted₂ ) h = step⋆-mono- (z≤n {suc k})
merge/clocked/is-bounded (suc k) (x ∷ xs , [] ) (sorted₁ , [] ) h = step⋆-mono- (z≤n {suc k})
merge/clocked/is-bounded zero ([] , [] ) (sorted₁ , sorted₂ ) h = ≤⁻-refl
merge/clocked/is-bounded (suc k) ([] , l₂ ) ([] , sorted₂ ) h = step⋆-mono-≤⁻ (z≤n {suc k})
merge/clocked/is-bounded (suc k) (x ∷ xs , [] ) (sorted₁ , [] ) h = step⋆-mono-≤⁻ (z≤n {suc k})
merge/clocked/is-bounded (suc k) (x ∷ xs , y ∷ ys) (h₁ ∷ sorted₁ , h₂ ∷ sorted₂) h =
{e = x ≤? y}
{f = case-≤ (λ _ bind (F (merge/type (x ∷ xs , y ∷ ys))) (merge/clocked k (xs , y ∷ ys) _ _) _) _}
(h-cost x y)
λ { (yes p) bind-mono-≲ (merge/clocked/is-bounded k (xs , y ∷ ys) _ _) (λ _ ≲-refl)
; (no ¬p) bind-mono-≲ (merge/clocked/is-bounded k (x ∷ xs , ys) _ _) (λ _ ≲-refl)
λ { (yes p) bind-monoˡ-≤⁻ (λ _ step⋆ zero) (merge/clocked/is-bounded k (xs , y ∷ ys) _ _)
; (no ¬p) bind-monoˡ-≤⁻ (λ _ step⋆ zero) (merge/clocked/is-bounded k (x ∷ xs , ys) _ _)

merge : cmp $
Π pair λ (l₁ , l₂)
Π (prod⁺ (sorted l₁) (sorted l₂)) λ _
Π (sorted l₁ ×⁺ sorted l₂) λ _
F (merge/type (l₁ , l₂))
merge (l₁ , l₂) s = merge/clocked (length l₁ + length l₂) (l₁ , l₂) s refl

Expand All @@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ merge/total (l₁ , l₂) s = merge/clocked/total (length l₁ + length l₂) (l

merge/cost : cmp $
Π pair λ (l₁ , l₂)
Π (prod⁺ (sorted l₁) (sorted l₂)) λ _
Π (sorted l₁ ×⁺ sorted l₂) λ _
merge/cost (l₁ , l₂) s = merge/clocked/cost (length l₁ + length l₂) (l₁ , l₂) s refl

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