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runmingl committed Nov 7, 2023
1 parent 8825566 commit 2713bbd
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219 changes: 219 additions & 0 deletions src/Examples/Sequence.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
{-# OPTIONS --prop --rewriting #-}

module Examples.Sequence where

open import Algebra.Cost

parCostMonoid = ℕ²-ParCostMonoid
open ParCostMonoid parCostMonoid

open import Calf costMonoid
open import Calf.Parallel parCostMonoid

open import Calf.Data.Product
open import Calf.Data.Sum
open import Calf.Data.Bool
open import Calf.Data.Maybe
open import Calf.Data.Nat hiding (compare)
open import Calf.Data.List hiding (filter)

open import Level using (0ℓ)
open import Relation.Binary
open import Data.Nat as Nat using (_<_; _+_)
import Data.Nat.Properties as Nat
open import Data.String using (String)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_)

open import Function using (case_of_; _$_)

open import Examples.Sequence.MSequence
open import Examples.Sequence.ListMSequence
open import Examples.Sequence.RedBlackMSequence

module Ex/FromList where
open MSequence RedBlackMSequence

fromList : cmp (Π (list nat) λ _ F (seq nat))
fromList [] = empty
fromList (x ∷ l) =
bind (F (seq nat)) empty λ s₁
bind (F (seq nat)) (fromList l) λ s₂
join s₁ x s₂

example : cmp (F (seq nat))
example = fromList (12345 ∷ [])

module BinarySearchTree
(MSeq : MSequence)
(Key : StrictTotalOrder 0ℓ 0ℓ 0ℓ)

open StrictTotalOrder Key

𝕂 : tp⁺
𝕂 = meta⁺ (StrictTotalOrder.Carrier Key)

open MSequence MSeq public

singleton : cmp (Π 𝕂 λ _ F (seq 𝕂))
singleton a =
bind (F (seq 𝕂)) empty λ t
join t a t

Split : tp⁻
Split = F ((seq 𝕂) ×⁺ ((maybe 𝕂) ×⁺ (seq 𝕂)))

split : cmp (Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ Π 𝕂 λ _ Split)
split t a =
{X = Split}
(bind Split empty λ t
ret (t , nothing , t))
(λ t₁ ih₁ a' t₂ ih₂
case compare a a' of λ
{ (tri< a<a' ¬a≡a' ¬a>a')
bind Split ih₁ λ ( t₁₁ , a? , t₁₂ )
bind Split (join t₁₂ a' t₂) λ t
ret (t₁₁ , a? , t)
; (tri≈ ¬a<a' a≡a' ¬a>a') ret (t₁ , just a' , t₂)
; (tri> ¬a<a' ¬a≡a' a>a')
bind Split ih₂ λ ( t₂₁ , a? , t₂₂ )
bind Split (join t₁ a' t₂₁) λ t
ret (t , a? , t₂₂)

find : cmp (Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ Π 𝕂 λ _ F (maybe 𝕂))
find t a = bind (F (maybe 𝕂)) (split t a) λ { (_ , a? , _) ret a? }

insert : cmp (Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ Π 𝕂 λ _ F (seq 𝕂))
insert t a = bind (F (seq 𝕂)) (split t a) λ { (t₁ , _ , t₂) join t₁ a t₂ }

append : cmp (Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ F (seq 𝕂))
append t₁ t₂ =
{X = F (seq 𝕂)}
(ret t₂)
(λ t'₁ ih₁ a' t'₂ ih₂
bind (F (seq 𝕂)) ih₂ λ t'
join t'₁ a' t')

delete : cmp (Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ Π 𝕂 λ _ F (seq 𝕂))
delete t a = bind (F (seq 𝕂)) (split t a) λ { (t₁ , _ , t₂) append t₁ t₂ }

union : cmp (Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ F (seq 𝕂))
union =
{X = Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ F (seq 𝕂)}
λ t'₁ ih₁ a' t'₂ ih₂ t₂
bind (F (seq 𝕂)) (split t₂ a') λ { (t₂₁ , a? , t₂₂)
bind (F (seq 𝕂)) ((ih₁ t₂₁) ∥ (ih₂ t₂₂)) λ (s₁ , s₂)
join s₁ a' s₂ }

intersection : cmp (Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ F (seq 𝕂))
intersection =
{X = Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ F (seq 𝕂)}
(λ t₂ empty)
λ t'₁ ih₁ a' t'₂ ih₂ t₂
bind (F (seq 𝕂)) (split t₂ a') λ { (t₂₁ , a? , t₂₂)
bind (F (seq 𝕂)) ((ih₁ t₂₁) ∥ (ih₂ t₂₂)) λ (s₁ , s₂)
case a? of
λ { (just a) join s₁ a s₂
; nothing append s₁ s₂ }

difference : cmp (Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ F (seq 𝕂))
difference t₁ t₂ = helper t₁
helper : cmp (Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ F (seq 𝕂))
helper =
{X = Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ F (seq 𝕂)}
(λ t'₁ ih₁ a' t'₂ ih₂ t₁
bind (F (seq 𝕂)) (split t₁ a') λ { (t₁₁ , a? , t₁₂)
bind (F (seq 𝕂)) ((ih₁ t₁₁) ∥ (ih₂ t₁₂)) λ (s₁ , s₂)
append s₁ s₂

filter : cmp (Π (seq 𝕂) λ _ Π (U (Π 𝕂 λ _ F bool)) λ _ F (seq 𝕂))
filter t f =
{X = F (seq 𝕂)}
(bind (F (seq 𝕂)) empty ret)
(λ t'₁ ih₁ a' t'₂ ih₂
bind (F (seq 𝕂)) (ih₁ ∥ ih₂) (λ (s₁ , s₂)
bind (F (seq 𝕂)) (f a') λ b
if b then (join s₁ a' s₂) else (append s₁ s₂)))

mapreduce : {X : tp⁻}
cmp (
Π (seq 𝕂) λ _
Π (U (Π 𝕂 λ _ X)) λ _
Π (U (Π (U X) λ _ Π (U X) λ _ X)) λ _
Π (U X) λ _
mapreduce {X} t g f l =
rec {X = X} l (λ t'₁ ih₁ a' t'₂ ih₂ f ih₁ (f (g a') ih₂)) t

module Ex/NatSet where
open BinarySearchTree RedBlackMSequence Nat.<-strictTotalOrder

example : cmp Split
example =
bind Split (singleton 1) λ t₁
bind Split (insert t₁ 2) λ t₁
bind Split (singleton 4) λ t₂
bind Split (join t₁ 3 t₂) λ t
split t 2

sum/seq : cmp (Π (seq nat) λ _ F (nat))
sum/seq =
{X = F (nat)}
(ret 0)
λ t'₁ ih₁ a' t'₂ ih₂
step (F nat) (1 , 1) $
bind (F (nat)) (ih₁ ∥ ih₂)
(λ (s₁ , s₂) ret (s₁ + a' + s₂))

module Ex/NatStringDict where
strictTotalOrder : StrictTotalOrder 0ℓ 0ℓ 0ℓ
strictTotalOrder =
{ Carrier = ℕ × String
; _≈_ = λ (n₁ , _) (n₂ , _) n₁ ≡ n₂
; _<_ = λ (n₁ , _) (n₂ , _) n₁ Nat.< n₂
; isStrictTotalOrder =
{ isEquivalence =
{ refl = Eq.refl
; sym = Eq.sym
; trans = Eq.trans
; trans = Nat.<-trans
; compare = λ (n₁ , _) (n₂ , _) Nat.<-cmp n₁ n₂

open BinarySearchTree RedBlackMSequence strictTotalOrder

example : cmp Split
example =
bind Split (singleton (1 , "red")) λ t₁
bind Split (insert t₁ (2 , "orange")) λ t₁
bind Split (singleton (4 , "green")) λ t₂
bind Split (join t₁ (3 , "yellow") t₂) λ t
split t (2 , "")
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions src/Examples/Sequence/ListMSequence.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
{-# OPTIONS --prop --rewriting #-}

module Examples.Sequence.ListMSequence where

open import Algebra.Cost

parCostMonoid = ℕ²-ParCostMonoid
open ParCostMonoid parCostMonoid

open import Calf costMonoid
open import Calf.Data.List
open import Data.Nat as Nat using (_+_)

open import Examples.Sequence.MSequence

ListMSequence : MSequence
ListMSequence =
{ seq = list
; empty = ret []
; join =
λ {A} l₁ a l₂
let n = length l₁ + 1 + length l₂ in
step (F (list A)) (n , n) (ret (l₁ ++ [ a ] ++ l₂))
; rec = λ {A} {X} rec {A} {X}
rec : {X : tp⁻}
( Π (U X) λ _
Π (U (Π (list A) λ _ Π (U X) λ _ Π A λ _ Π (list A) λ _ Π (U X) λ _ X)) λ _
Π (list A) λ _ X
rec {A} {X} z f [] = z
rec {A} {X} z f (x ∷ l) = step X (1 , 1) (f [] z x l (rec {A} {X} z f l))
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions src/Examples/Sequence/MSequence.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
{-# OPTIONS --prop --rewriting #-}

module Examples.Sequence.MSequence where

open import Algebra.Cost

parCostMonoid = ℕ²-ParCostMonoid
open ParCostMonoid parCostMonoid

open import Calf costMonoid

-- Middle Sequence
record MSequence : Set where
seq : tp⁺ tp⁺

empty : cmp (F (seq A))
join : cmp (Π (seq A) λ s₁ Π A λ a Π (seq A) λ s₂ F (seq A))

rec : {X : tp⁻}
( Π (U X) λ _
Π (U (Π (seq A) λ _ Π (U X) λ _ Π A λ _ Π (seq A) λ _ Π (U X) λ _ X)) λ _
Π (seq A) λ _ X
110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions src/Examples/Sequence/RedBlackMSequence.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
{-# OPTIONS --prop --rewriting #-}

module Examples.Sequence.RedBlackMSequence where

open import Algebra.Cost

parCostMonoid = ℕ²-ParCostMonoid
open ParCostMonoid parCostMonoid

open import Calf costMonoid

open import Calf.Data.Nat
open import Calf.Data.List
open import Calf.Data.Product
open import Calf.Data.Sum
open import Calf.Data.IsBounded costMonoid

open import Data.Nat as Nat using (_+_; _*_; ⌊_/2⌋; _≥_; _∸_)
import Data.Nat.Properties as Nat
open import Data.Nat.Logarithm

open import Examples.Sequence.MSequence
open import Examples.Sequence.RedBlackTree

RedBlackMSequence : MSequence
RedBlackMSequence =
{ seq = rbt
; empty = ret ⟪ leaf ⟫
; join = join
; rec = λ {A} {X} rec {A} {X}
record RBT (A : tp⁺) : Set where
constructor ⟪_⟫
{y} : val color
{n} : val nat
{l} : val (list A)
t : val (irbt A y n l)
rbt : (A : tp⁺) tp⁺
rbt A = meta⁺ (RBT A)

join : cmp (Π (rbt A) λ _ Π A λ _ Π (rbt A) λ _ F (rbt A))
join {A} t₁ a t₂ = bind (F (rbt A)) (i-join _ _ _ (RBT.t t₁) a _ _ _ (RBT.t t₂)) λ { (_ , _ , _ , inj₁ t) ret ⟪ t ⟫
; (_ , _ , _ , inj₂ t) ret ⟪ t ⟫ }

-- join/is-bounded : {A} t₁ a t₂ IsBounded (rbt A) (join t₁ a t₂)
-- (1 + (2 * (RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊔ RBT.n t₂ ∸ RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊓ RBT.n t₂)) , 1 + (2 * (RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊔ RBT.n t₂ ∸ RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊓ RBT.n t₂)))
-- join/is-bounded {A} t₁ a t₂ =
-- Eq.subst
-- (IsBounded _ _) {x = 1 + (2 * (RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊔ RBT.n t₂ ∸ RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊓ RBT.n t₂)) + 0 , 1 + (2 * (RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊔ RBT.n t₂ ∸ RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊓ RBT.n t₂)) + 0}
-- (Eq.cong₂ _,_ (Eq.cong suc (Nat.+-identityʳ (2 * (RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊔ RBT.n t₂ ∸ RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊓ RBT.n t₂))))
-- ((Eq.cong suc (Nat.+-identityʳ (2 * (RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊔ RBT.n t₂ ∸ RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊓ RBT.n t₂))))))
-- (bound/bind/const (1 + (2 * (RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊔ RBT.n t₂ ∸ RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊓ RBT.n t₂)) , 1 + (2 * (RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊔ RBT.n t₂ ∸ RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊓ RBT.n t₂))) (0 , 0)
-- (i-join/is-bounded _ _ _ (RBT.t t₁) a _ _ _ (RBT.t t₂))
-- (λ { (_ , _ , _ , inj₁ t) → bound/ret
-- ; (_ , _ , _ , inj₂ t) → bound/ret}))

nodes : RBT A val nat
nodes ⟪ t ⟫ = i-nodes t

nodes/upper-bound : (t : RBT A) RBT.n t Nat.≤ ⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t)) ⌉
nodes/upper-bound ⟪ t ⟫ = i-nodes/bound/log-node-black-height t

nodes/lower-bound : (t : RBT A) RBT.n t Nat.≥ ⌊ (⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t)) ⌉ ∸ 1) /2⌋
nodes/lower-bound ⟪ t ⟫ = i-nodes/lower-bound/log-node-black-height t 

join/cost : {A} (t₁ : RBT A) (t₂ : RBT A)
join/cost {A} t₁ t₂ =
let max = ⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₁)) ⌉ Nat.⊔ ⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₂)) ⌉ in
let min = ⌊ (⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₁)) ⌉ ∸ 1) /2⌋ Nat.⊓ ⌊ (⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₂)) ⌉ ∸ 1) /2⌋ in
(1 + 2 * (max ∸ min)) , (1 + 2 * (max ∸ min))

-- join/is-bounded/nodes : {A} t₁ a t₂ IsBounded (rbt A) (join t₁ a t₂) (join/cost t₁ t₂)
-- join/is-bounded/nodes {A} t₁ a t₂ =
-- bound/relax
-- (λ u →
-- (let open Nat.≤-Reasoning in
-- begin
-- 1 + 2 * (RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊔ RBT.n t₂ ∸ RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊓ RBT.n t₂)
-- ≤⟨ Nat.+-monoʳ-≤ 1 (Nat.*-monoʳ-≤ 2 (Nat.∸-monoˡ-≤ (RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊓ RBT.n t₂) (Nat.⊔-mono-≤ (nodes/upper-bound t₁) (nodes/upper-bound t₂)))) ⟩
-- 1 + 2 * (⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₁)) ⌉ Nat.⊔ ⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₂)) ⌉ ∸ RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊓ RBT.n t₂)
-- ≤⟨ Nat.+-monoʳ-≤ 1 (Nat.*-monoʳ-≤ 2 (Nat.∸-monoʳ-≤ (⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₁)) ⌉ Nat.⊔ ⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₂)) ⌉) (Nat.⊓-mono-≤ (nodes/lower-bound t₁) (nodes/lower-bound t₂)))) ⟩
-- 1 + 2 * (⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₁)) ⌉ Nat.⊔ ⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₂)) ⌉ ∸ ⌊ (⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₁)) ⌉ ∸ 1) /2⌋ Nat.⊓ ⌊ (⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₂)) ⌉ ∸ 1) /2⌋)
-- ∎) ,
-- (let open Nat.≤-Reasoning in
-- begin
-- 1 + 2 * (RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊔ RBT.n t₂ ∸ RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊓ RBT.n t₂)
-- ≤⟨ Nat.+-monoʳ-≤ 1 (Nat.*-monoʳ-≤ 2 (Nat.∸-monoˡ-≤ (RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊓ RBT.n t₂) (Nat.⊔-mono-≤ (nodes/upper-bound t₁) (nodes/upper-bound t₂)))) ⟩
-- 1 + 2 * (⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₁)) ⌉ Nat.⊔ ⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₂)) ⌉ ∸ RBT.n t₁ Nat.⊓ RBT.n t₂)
-- ≤⟨ Nat.+-monoʳ-≤ 1 (Nat.*-monoʳ-≤ 2 (Nat.∸-monoʳ-≤ (⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₁)) ⌉ Nat.⊔ ⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₂)) ⌉) (Nat.⊓-mono-≤ (nodes/lower-bound t₁) (nodes/lower-bound t₂)))) ⟩
-- 1 + 2 * (⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₁)) ⌉ Nat.⊔ ⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₂)) ⌉ ∸ ⌊ (⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₁)) ⌉ ∸ 1) /2⌋ Nat.⊓ ⌊ (⌈log₂ (1 + (nodes t₂)) ⌉ ∸ 1) /2⌋)
-- ∎)
-- )
-- (join/is-bounded t₁ a t₂)

rec : {A : tp⁺} {X : tp⁻}
( Π (U X) λ _
Π (U (Π (rbt A) λ _ Π (U X) λ _ Π A λ _ Π (rbt A) λ _ Π (U X) λ _ X)) λ _
Π (rbt A) λ _ X
rec {A} {X} z f ⟪ t ⟫ =
i-rec {A} {X}
(λ _ _ _ t₁ ih₁ a _ _ _ t₂ ih₂ f ⟪ t₁ ⟫ ih₁ a ⟪ t₂ ⟫ ih₂)
_ _ _ t

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