A simple application that:
- Uses the Salesforce Metadata API to grab all Platform Event types,
- Subscribes to them all
- Presents a web page that dynamically updates with the content of each event as it's fired. shows each event as it is fired.
- Copy
- Edit
and set the following variables:- For SF_CLIENT_ID, enter the Consumer Key of your Salesforce Connected App
- For SF_CLIENT_SECRET, enter the Consumer Secret of your Salesforce Connected App
- For SF_USER_NAME, enter the the username of your Salesforce user
- For SF_USER_PASSWORD, enter the the password of your Salesforce user
- Set REDIRECT_URL to the URL of the app itself
- Create a Connected App in Salesforce, with OAuth pointing to this app's URL like so
Start the app:
heroku local:start -p 7000
heroku create
heroku labs:enable runtime-dyno-metadata
git push heroku master
heroku config:set SF_CLIENT_ID=foo SF_CLIENT_SECRET=bar [email protected] SF_USER_PASSWORD=xyz
heroku open
- Show the names of all the events we're actually subscribed to.
- Dynamically subscribe to new event types?
This code comes mostly from this repo