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Setup Project Repository Guide

Desumai edited this page Aug 17, 2023 · 20 revisions


Instructions on how to set up your computer to work on the source code. If you have experience with Git and Flutter, just look at the overview. To work on the project, you will require git, Flutter SDK v3.10.6, Visual Studio Build Tools, and a Dart/Flutter compatible IDE.


  • Valid GitHub account
  • Windows computer
  • Basic computer knowledge (i.e. file/folder paths, file extensions, Windows Search, etc.)



  • Install VSCode
  • Install Visual Studio Build Tools
  • Install and setup git
  • Install and setup Flutter SDK version 3.10.6
  • Turn on developer mode

Setting Up Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

  1. Download the x64 .zip version of VSCode.
  2. Unzip the compressed file into a local directory (e.g. Documents folder).
  3. Click on the "Extensions" tab on the left bar.
    Setup Project Repository Guide Image 01
  4. Search and install the Dart and Flutter extensions by Dart Code.
    Setup Project Repository Guide Image 02

Setting Up Git

  1. Download 64-bit Git for Windows Portable. Use portable version to bypass admin requirements.
  2. Run the installer and choose to install in a local directory (e.g. Documents folder).
  3. Open the installed "git" folder and copy the path to the "bin" folder. The path should look like C:\PATH\TO\git\bin.
  4. Add the path to environment variables.
  5. Open a command prompt. You can find it by searching up "cmd" on Windows Search.
  6. Enter the command git --version. If git was properly installed the console should then display the git version. Try restarting the computer if it doesn't work.
    Setup Project Repository Guide Image 06
  7. Configure your github username using git config --global "yourUsername"
  8. Configure your github email using git config --global [email protected]
  9. Run git config --list to check the settings.

Setting Up Flutter SDK

  1. Download Flutter SDK version 3.10.6 from the official archive.
  2. Unzip the compressed file into a local directory.
  3. Open the "flutter" folder and copy the path to the "bin" folder. The path should look like C:\PATH\TO\flutter\bin.
  4. Add the path to environment variables.
  5. Open up a command prompt and run flutter doctor --version. If working properly, it should do some installations and then show the flutter version. Ensure that the version is 3.10.6.

Setting Up Visual Studio Build Tools

  1. Go to the Visual Studio download website
  2. Find and download the latest version of "Build Tools for Visual Studio"
    Setup Project Repository Guide Image 12
  3. Run the downloaded installer. This will require admin rights (contact IT).
  4. Install the build tools. Make sure to include the "Desktop Development with C++" package.
    Setup Project Repository Guide Image 11

Turn on Developer Mode

  1. Search and select "Developer Settings" on Windows Search.
  2. Turn on Developer Mode (requires admin rights).
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Forking Repository and Cloning to Local

  1. On GitHub go to the Code page of the repository.
  2. On the top right-hand corner of the page, click "Fork" => "Create a New Fork".
    Setup Project Repository Guide Image 07
  3. Keep the fork's name the same as the original and set yourself as the owner. Copy the master branch only. Create the fork.
  4. Open your fork and copy the HTTPS link. The link should look like
    Setup Project Repository Guide Image 08
  5. Select a folder on your computer to contain the local project directory.
  6. Open the folder in VSCode.
  7. Open a terminal in VSCode. You can do this by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ~.
  8. In the terminal, run git clone HTTPS_LINK. The project should download into the folder
    Setup Project Repository Guide Image 09
  9. Open the new downloaded folder in VSCode.
  10. Ensure that the device used (written in bottom right corner) is "Windows(windos-x64)".
  11. Open a new terminal and run flutter pub get. Setup is complete.
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Adding Paths to Environment Variables

  1. On Windows Search, search up "path". Select the option "Edit environment variables for your account".
    Setup Project Repository Guide Image 03
  2. Edit the "Path" variable.
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  3. Click "New" and paste your path to a new line.
    Setup Project Repository Guide Image 05
  4. Click "OK" to close window and save changes.