A simple web app for a coffee shop.
To run this project on your local machine, you will need
Clone this project to your local machine, and run start.sh <config.yaml file>. The app is accesible at localhost:8080.
URL prefix for the api is /api. There are three types of API on this app.
/drinks : GET method. Return the price list.
/drink-sizes : GET method. Return all drink sizes.
/drink-types : GET method. Return all drink types.
/orders : POST method. Add an order. Require name slug and size slug in JSON on the request body, i.e {"name": "espresso", "size": "tall"}.
/orders?type={type}&size={size} : GET method, only authenticated user. Return all orders, use filter as needed.
URL prefix is /auth
/login : POST method. Acquire authentication token. Require name in JSON on the request body, i.e {"name": "admin"}.
You can access the app on https://wegobucks.herokuapp.com.