Created for AME16 on 05 November 2019
Updated to AME20 on 03 October 2024
@author: Jonas Karthein
@contact: [email protected]
@license: MIT license
[1]: W.J.Huang, Chinese Physics C45, 030002, March 2021.
[2]: Linguistics Pro Font (= Utopia Font incl. math symbols)
The code was used for the dissertation of Jonas Karthein and for several scientific presentations.
The following code was written to provide publication-ready plots of the nuclear chart based on the Atomic Mass Evaluation 2020 [1].
The following code was written in Python 3.11. The required libraries are listed below with a rough description for their task in the code. It doesn't claim to be a full description of the library.
- pandas (data storage and calculation)
- numpy (calculation)
- matplotlib (plotting)
- jupyter (Python notebook environment)
All packages can be fetched using pip:
pip3 install pandas numpy matplotlib jupyter