This is the empty DApp for the Pet Shop workshop. View the completed DApp here
Install Node and NPM
brew install node
Install Truffle
npm install -g truffle
Install TestRPC
npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
Install MetaMask (Chrome Extension) from MetaMask website
Start the TestRPC at port 7545
testrpc -p 7545
Compile and migrate the smart contracts
truffle compile truffle migrate
Run the
servernpm run dev
Setup MetaMask to use the Wallet created in TestRPC. Go to the TestRPC terminal and copy the mnemonic phrase. Start MetaMask in Chrome, then click on 'Restore from seed phrase'. Paste the mnemonic phrase and set a password. Set MetaMask to connect to the TestRPC by going into 'Custom RPC' and setting the RPC URL of the TestRPC server