Read the announcement post to understand the goals of the project.
Read the documentation to learn the ins and outs of Launchpad!
- Hello World! - a super simple schema with one field, that just returns
"Hello, world!"
- Relational data: Authors and posts - a more complex schema that has related objects that can be fetched in a nested query.
- Loading from a MongoDB database - an example of reading from a remote data source, in this case MongoDB.
- Social Login with Auth0 - Authentication via JWT and social login
- Star Wars API - the Star Wars API you know and love from
- graphql-iso-date - example code for a package that makes encoding dates in different ways easy.
- Full-stack GraphQL + React tutorial server - the result of step 2 of the excellent Full-stack GraphQL + React tutorial
- GraphQL.js code sample with mutation - the basic code sample of a mutation from this page on
Send a PR to add more examples here!