A live multiplayer painting game created in Meteor with React.
By: Cody Rathor & Stu Johnston
To get started first you must clone this repository. after cloning it please refer below to the installation instructions
- Meteor - App Development Platform
- React - UI Design
- React-Nipple - Virtual Joystick
- Konva - Used for its Random Color Generator
- Ngrok - Exposes localhost for proper testing
Commands must be run in the project directory
npm install
meteor reset
ensure you have completed the installation of ngrok. link above in the technologies used.
cd into the directory you have installed ngrok (usually user folder) and type the following command:
./ngrok http <Localhost port number here>
this will give you links to share with others so that they can play as well.
after completing the above:
Once all players have created a name and you are ready to play simply hit the start button and enjoy!
If you would like to reset the players for now you just simply refresh the page and vice versa with the devices connected.
Milan Nohejl - Rainbow Background