COVID19, caused by the SARS-CoV2 virus, is a global pandemic. In adults, COVID19 frequently causes Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, may cause cardiomyopathy, and is disproportionately more lethal in seniors older than 70 years. Given that U.S. deaths from COVID19 have exceeded 100K, it is important to maintain visualizations of U.S. data.
Though my coding experience is primarily in Python, I chose R and Shiny (plus GoogleVis) for this project. There are two reasons for this: 1) I'm new to R and have been learning it in the context of Coursera's "Clinical Data Science" specialization, so I wanted to add more learning; 2) I find using Python and (Flask or Django) cumbersome for deploying web apps.
Here is the URL for my deployed Shiny app: The data for this work come from The COVID Tracking Project, a rigorous project with an excellent API.