Helpful hooks when working with kustomize
- Copy
from this repo pre-commit uninstall
to remove old config- From within the git repo you want to install the hooks in, run
pre-commit install -c <path-to-config>/.pre-commit-config.yaml
- id: delete-me
Removes any files with deleteme in the name. Useful if you use the command
kustomize build . > deleteme.yaml
to test kustomize config - id: miss-kusto Checks if there are any committed yaml files that exist in a directory with a kustomization.yaml file that are not included in that file.
- id: software-docks Generates a file with the software and versions maintained via ARGS in Dockerfile. It is assumed that ARGs are being used to install software, but care must be taken to keep ARGs updated or else documentation will not be accurate.
ARGs should be in format _VERSION="x.x.x"