Those are my Neovim dotfiles. 99% of Issues
will be ignored.
sudo pacman -S neovim
Essential dependencies for running this config.
- Git
sudo pacman -S git
- Lua v5.1
sudo pacman -S lua51
- LuaJIT
sudo pacman -S luajit
- Luarocks
sudo pacman -S luarocks
Highly recommended dependencies generally performance related tools.
- Treesitter
sudo pacman -S tree-sitter-cli
- Ripgrep (faster
):sudo pacman -S ripgrep
Optional dependencies usually for the respective Language Servers.
- (NodeJS)[] (Optional) via (Node Version Manager (NVM))[]:
curl -o- | bash # or wget -qO- | bash
- (Go - Golang CLI)[] (Optional - for gopls):
sudo pacman -S go