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Setting up Vault for use with Certify

Johan Brandhorst edited this page May 22, 2020 · 2 revisions

Export your Vault configuration

$ export VAULT_CACERT=/usr/local/etc/ssl/ca.pem
$ export VAULT_ADDR=

Setup the PKI

$ vault write pki/root/generate/internal ttl=8760h
$ vault write pki/roles/example allow_subdomains=true max_ttl=72h
$ vault secrets tune -max-lease-ttl=87600h pki
$ vault write pki/config/urls issuing_certificates="" crl_distribution_points=""

Then create a policy

path "pki/issue/*" {
  capabilities = ["create", "update"]

path "pki/sign/*" {
 capabilities = ["create", "update"]

path "pki/certs" {
  capabilities = ["list"]

path "pki/revoke" {
  capabilities = ["create", "update"]

path "pki/tidy" {
  capabilities = ["create", "update"]

path "pki/cert/ca" {
  capabilities = ["read"]

path "auth/token/renew" {
  capabilities = ["update"]

path "auth/token/renew-self" {
  capabilities = ["update"]

And write it

$ vault policy write pki pki.hcl

Apply the policy to whatever auth method you plan to use. For example, to allow TLS certificates from a different CA, something like the following.

$ vault write auth/cert/certs/other \
    display_name=other \
    policies=pki \
    certificate=@/usr/local/etc/ssl/ca.pem \

$ vault login -method=cert -ca-cert=/usr/local/etc/ssl/ca.pem -client-cert=/var/puppet/ssl/certs/ -client-key=/var/puppet/ssl/private_keys/ -address=

Now tokens that have the pki policy assigned will be able to retrieve TLS certificates from vault for the domain

Once you've got a token, in Go, we can load the token, and set it to renew to automate the process.

client, err := api.NewClient(apiConfig)

token, err := ioutil.ReadFile(vaultConfig.TokenPath)

authMethod := &vault.RenewingToken{
	Initial:     string(token),
	RenewBefore: 15 * time.Minute,
	TimeToLive:  24 * time.Hour,

issuer := vault.FromClient(client, "example")

Then use certify.Certify as mentioned in the docs.

c := &certify.Certify{
	// Used when requesting client-side certificates and
	// added to SANs or IPSANs depending on format.
	CommonName: tlsConfig.CN,
	Issuer:     issuer,
	// It is recommended to use a cache.
	Cache:     certify.NewMemCache(),
	CertConfig: &cfg,
	// It is recommended to set RenewBefore.
	// Refresh cached certificates when < 24H left before expiry.
	RenewBefore: 24 * time.Hour,
	Logger:      logrusadapter.New(logger),
	IssueTimeout: 15 * time.Second,


Contributed by @xaque208

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