Webapp to assist tracking of internship/job hunting efforts
For initial setup:
- Clone Repo
- From the command line cd into back_end and type "npm install"
- Start backend with "nodejs app.js"
- From the command line cd into front_end and type "npm install"
- Start frontend with "npm start"
The functionality of the web app would include:
--Account creation (user auth)
--Users can create jobs/internships
--Users can also create 'skills' which can relate to specific jobs/internships: Allows them to track which jobs require which skills, see how frequently certain skills are noted within applications, and track how comfortable they are with those skills/if they need to work on those skills more (ex: 'Docker is noted in 60% of your applications').
--Users can create 'contacts': keep track of networking, contact information for individuals they've networked with who may be related to specific jobs/companies they're applying to.
Stretch Goals:
--Incorporate Glassdoor's API and/or reddit's API, to display data related to certain jobs. Use these to research certain internship application processes