An SQL wrapper for Vim. Execute commands, sort results, navigate tables and databases and so much more!
The supported providers at the moment are
- Postgres
- Sqlite
It started off simply enough:
nnoremap <leader>xc :r !mysql -uroot -psomepass -h <<< `cat %` \| column -t<cr>
It grew from there...
(Gifs are using the data from my band bogans)
Execute a line with SQHExecute
Execute a visual block with SQHExecute
over a visual selection.
Execute an arbitrary command with SQHExecute!
will work on the current buffer if no file is supplied
Plug 'joereynolds/SQHell.vim'
Connection details will need to be supplied in order for SQHell.vim to connect to your DBMS of choice. The connections are in a dictionary to let you manage multiple hosts. By default SQHell uses the 'default' key details (no surprise there)
let g:sqh_provider = 'psql'
let g:sqh_connections = {
\ 'default': {
\ 'user': 'root',
\ 'password': 'testing345',
\ 'host': 'localhost'
\ 'live': {
\ 'user': 'root',
\ 'password': 'jerw5Y^$Hdfj',
\ 'host': ''
You can use the SQHSwitchConnection
function to change hosts.
i.e. SQHSwitchConnection live
SQHell currently supports 3 providers and fallsback to MySQL if none specificed.
The 3 providers are:
- A connection to a MySQL DB. Specify it withlet g:sqh_provider = 'mysql'
- A connection to a Postgres DB. Specify it withlet g:sqh_provider = 'psql'
- A connection to a Sqlite DB. Specify it withlet g:sqh_provider = 'sqlite'
I strongly suggest that the above configuration details are kept outside of version control and gitignored in your global gitignore.
SQHell creates 3 filetypes to make navigation a nicer experience. These are SQHDatabase, SQHTable, and SQHResult
Inside an SQHDatabase you can press the following
- Drop the database (don't worry there's a prompt).
- To see all the tables in that database. This will open an SQHTable buffer.
Inside an SQHDatabase you can press the following
- Drop the table (don't worry there's a prompt).
- To see all the results for that table with a limit of g:sqh_results_limit
This will open an SQHResult buffer
Inside an SQHResult you can press the following
to sort results by the column the cursor is on.
to sort results by the column the cursor is on (in reverse).
to delete the row WHERE the column is the value under the cursor (don't worry... there's a prompt).
to edit the current row. This will open an SQHInsert buffer
For more sorting options, you can use :SQHSortResults
with extra arguments for the unix sort command, a la :SQHSortResults -rn
. It will always sort by the column the cursor is located on.
Inside an SQHInsert you can press the following
to close and save the edited row. This will reopen the previous SQHResult buffer
Please see the Contributing guidelines if you would like to make SQHell even better!
Tests use vader.
Tests are housed in the test
directory and can be ran by
ing into the test file and running :Vader
DBExt is very featureful (and very good) but comes in at a whopping 12000 lines of code. By contrast SQHell.vim is a mere ~200 lines
The setup and installation process for vim-sql-workbench is something that I aim to avoid with SQHell.vim, ideally a 'set and forget' plugin.
There are no clever inferences inside SQHell.vim.