$ npm start
Use npm start to run the server, it will auto refresh react as well
$ npm run build
When we are ready to deploy, use npm run build to create a build folder. The actual backend server will still need to be ran with nodemon server.js
Stripe js (node)
Google Maps (node)
#Example request objects for API
New User Object:
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"password": "1234567890",
"email": "[email protected]",
"isSeller": true
/user .put() example. Put each user object to be updated in an object in a users array on the request object. Follow this pattern for all .put requests.
{ users: [
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"password": "1234567890",
"email": "[email protected]",
"isSeller": true
New Store Object:
"sellerID": "5999d619126eaa49efa998e2",
"location": "123 Main Street, Here, CA 92831",
"hours": "[ {day: Monday, hours: 9-5}, {day: Tuesday, hours: 9-5}, {day: Wednesday, hours: 9-5}, {day: Thursday, hours: 9-5}, {day: Friday, hours: 9-5}, ]",
"description": "This is a short description about my store. It is a store that sells things.",
"photos": "",
"certified": true
New Menu Object:
"StoreID": "599a328e98fd725b30e66b1a",
"name": "Pizza",
"image": "",
"description": "Super Mega Ultra Pizza",
"price": "1600",
"inventory": "100",
"active": "true"
New Review Object:
customerID: "5999d66b4c8d304a2ca72f9e",
"StoreID": "599a328e98fd725b30e66b1a",
review: This place has the best pizza,
rating: 5,