- An implementation for Towards Event Extraction from Speech with Contextual Clues.
To set up the required environment, run the following command:
conda env create -f environment.yaml
│ ├─Human-MAVEN
│ ├─Speech-ACE05
│ ├─Speech-DuEE
│ └─Speech-MAVEN
│ ├─configs
│ ├─data_modules
│ ├─extraction
│ ├─logs
│ ├─models
│ └─output
│ ├─ACE05
│ ├─ACE05_ASR_W2V2
│ ├─ACE05_ASR_whisper_medium
│ ├─ACE05_clues
│ ├─DuEE
│ ├─DuEE_ASR
│ ├─DuEE_clues
│ ├─Human_MAVEN
│ └─MAVEN_clues
To train the model, run the following command:
python run_main.py fit --config configs/Whisper_medium_ace05_mapper_linear.yaml > output.txt
To evaluate the trained model, run the following command:
python run_main.py test --config configs/Whisper_medium_ace05_mapper_linear.yaml > output_test.txt