Design of a web application sales performance analysis dashboard with spring backend and react frontend, form the DevSuperior course.
✔️ Sales performance analysis dashboard listing;
✔️ Sales dashboard with statiscal charts;
✔️ Total sales search by seller - filling the donut chart;
✔️ Success rate search by seller - filling the bar chart;
✔️ Paged search of sales;
✔️ Detailed sales list;
✔️ API documentation with springdoc-openapi;
✔️ Frontend access with Netlify;
✔️ Database with Postgres;
✔️ Backend access with Heroku;
The following tools were used in this project:
✔️ Java JDK 11;
✔️ Maven builder;
✔️ Spring Boot framework;
✔️ Spring Data JPA;
✔️ Swagger implementing springdoc-openapi;
✔️ Yarn - package management;
✔️ ReactJS user interfaces;
✔️ React Native;
✔️ TypeScript;
✔️ Bootstrap web framework;
✔️ Apexcharts.js library;
✔️ Netlify web app server;
✔️ Postgresql 12 database;
✔️ PgAdmin database administration platform;
✔️ Heroku - plataform as a service;
Before starting 🏁, you need to have Git, yarn and Java 11 installed.
# Clone this project
$ git clone
# Access
$ cd sales-dashboard/frontend
# Install dependencies
$ yarn
# Run the project frontend
$ yarn start
The local frontend server will initialize in the browser: http://localhost:3000
and Dashboard URL route will be initialized in: http://localhost:3000/dashboard
# Access the backend server with the following
$ cd ../backend
# Run the backend interface with
$ ./mvnw spring-boot:run
The local backend server will initialize in the browser: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
and in-memory database H2 will be initialized in http://localhost:8080/h2-console
- ✔️ Created Git monorepo;
- ✔️ Created Frontend:
- ✔️ Created static frontend look with Bootstrap and CSS;
- ✔️ Create visual static components with ReactJS;
- 📊 Create statiscal charts with apexcharts;
- ✔️ Build the front end with Yard;
- ✔️ Deploy the front end to Netlify;
- ✔️ Create the backend:
- ✔️ Organized the project in layers with Spring Boot:
- ✔️ Web, JPA, H2, Postgres and Security;
- ✔️ Create REST Service;
- ✔️ Create REST web services;
- ✔️ DTO Standard;
- ✔️ Create REST Repository (data access);
- ✔️ Create entities;
- ✔️ Database seeding;
- ✔️ Associations between entities (N-N);
- ✔️ Create REST controller:
- ✔️ Swagger UI (Open API3 collections, environments);
- ✔️ Data pagination with pageable, page, size, sort;
- ✔️ Response from ResponseEntity request;
- ✔️ Organized the project in layers with Spring Boot:
- ✔️ Frontend dynamically loading data from the backend;
- ✔️ URL path route parameters;
- ✔️ DonutChart request integration;
- ✔️ BarChart request integration;
- ✔️ DataTable request integration;
- ✔️ props components pagination;
- ✔️ frontend on Netlify making backend requests on Heroku
- 📁 App documentation;
- 🔗 Bootcamp Documentation SDS 5 pt-BR;
- 🔗 Official Apache Maven documentation;
- 🔗 Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide;
- 🔗 Create an OCI image;
- 🔗 Spring Web;
- 🔗 Spring Data JPA;
- 🔗 Spring Security;
- 🔗 Tutorial: Intro to React;
- 🔗 TypeScript Documentation;
This project is under license from MIT. For more details, see the LICENSE file.
Made with ❤️ by Jocile