Multiple vessel fermentation controller for the Raspberry Pi
- Utilize Python, Angular, and CouchDB+PouchDB to build the core business logic. No Arduino or other shields technically required.
- https and login / authentication from the ground up
- PiFace Digital Revision 2 and a JBtek 8 Channel DV 5V Relay Module are recommended for ease of installation.
- Objected-oriented design will be used via the Flask framework to represent all physical aspects of the system (vessels, sensors, relays, indicator lights, basically anything physical or part of the I/O)
- Specify fermentation schedule with multiple intervals, with a hard start date. When fermentation is finished, the temperature on the last step shall be held until the schedule is marked as complete, ensuring no erroneous fluctuations of the beer.
- Support import of BeerXML based recipe to create the fermentation schedule.
- Log all configuration, sensor data, etc in CouchDB
- Allow any of the bits of information to be sent to channel(s) on
- Support ThingSpeak API / accounts for remote monitoring of fermentations.
- Build software in such a way that the same underlying PLC logic can be used to control the brewing process, in addition to fermentation.
- Angular
- CouchDB
- Flask
- dweepy
- python-dotenv