A subtheme of USWDS.
This subtheme contains templates and configuration for base paragraph types reprenting components from the USWDS framework.
As with most Drupal themes, it's recommended that your active theme for your project be a subtheme of this one, to make updates easier and to maintain control of your workflow.
Copy the uswds_base_subtheme directory out into the desired location for your subtheme (eg, themes/custom/uswds_base_subtheme).
Rename the directory to the name of your theme (eg, my_renamed_theme).
Rename the uswds_base_subtheme.info.yml.rename-me file to name-of-your-theme.info.yml (eg, my_renamed_theme.info.yml).
Modify the .info.yml file as needed.
Enable this theme in the usual way (eg, drush en my_renamed_subtheme).
To set up the Gulp workflow, follow the directions in /uswds_base_subtheme/README.md.