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Place Harmonizer

Development Team: bmtg, vtpearce, cardyin, fjsawicki, jtsmith2, joyriding, MapOMatic, RavenDT

Send comments to: MapOMatic


This script acts on a single selected place. It will clean up many place details, harmonize names and details of many chains, and, if the place is complete according to standards, it will lock to an appropriate level. Full feature list is below.


Install Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey depending on your browser.

Then use the following links to install.

Production Version

Beta Version (ask to be added to the beta user list first)


Please report any bugs here at the link above. Be sure to search for an open similar issue before posting a new issue.


Select a place in WME, and press the RUN WMEPH Button, or use the shortcut key (Shift-Alt-A). Verify changes, adjust as needed, save.

**Examples (before and after using the script):

  • Automatic correction of a McDonald's:

Mcd's autocorrection

  • Automatic correction of a 7-Eleven:

711 autocorrection

  • A place with no harmonization data (standalone restaurant):

No Harm

**Current features:

  • Regional Localization: Script will automatically detect the region of the selected place: Currently All USA regions have a Place Name Harmonization presence. Regional locking rules, place formats, and Phone# formats are applied according to region.

  • Country Localization: Script works in the USA and Canada, but can be expanded to other countries in the future.

  • LIVE integration with Place Name Harmonization: An ongoing project is to harmonize place names for chains. This mostly involves having the same primary name, alt-name(s), category(s), and website address for every place from that chain. This script will harmonize the current place based on the detected place name and the place harmonization sheet. When using the script, if the script finds a match for a place on the harm. sheet, it will auto correct the name to the standard name, add any alt-names if needed, put in the correct category(s), and put in the standardized url for the chain.

  • Common services are added for several categories. For example, Schools receive Restroom, Parking, AC, Wheelchair services. Any existing checked services are preserved.

  • Gas station correction: This script will do the following to places that have the gas station category:

    . If the primary name doesn't match the brand, then the primary name is moved to the alt name, and the brand is set as the primary name. Example: A place named CIRCLE K that has a brand of Shell, will be changed so that Shell is the Primary name, and Circle K is the alt name. If there is no brand, then there is no change to the name. The brand field is never changed by this script; if a station has changed brands, that edit needs to be done manually, after which the script can be run. If the name is changed, the script will alert the user to check the info before saving.

    . The category "Convenience Store" is added to the place. Very few stations do not have a convenience store, so this adds a likely category. If your station doesn't have a convenience store, then simply X out the convenience store category after running the script. If the station had the categories of ATM or Car Wash already in the place, this will preserve them. Any other categories are wiped out.

    1. Services check boxes are set automatically to : Restrooms, Credit Cards, Air Conditioning, Parking, and Wheelchair Accessible.

    2. Special stations that are subsets of a larger store are treated slightly differently; At present the script handles Costco, BJ's and Sam's Club stations so that the primary name has "Gasoline" after the name. Rules 1, 2, and 3 just above are not applied to these places, and also the text "Members only" is added to the description. Services are limited to Credit Cards, Parking, and Wheelchair Accessible.

  • Place name Title casing:

    1. If first letter of a word is lower case, the script will capitalize it.
    2. McZzz and O'Zzz will be capitalized with internal cap.
    3. Zzzz&Zzzz will capitalize the letter after the &
    4. If there is an ALL CAPS word ALONG with other words that are not in all caps, then the ALL CAPS word will be left ALL CAPS while the others are title cased. Examples: ALCCO store -> ALCCO Store; QVN Pharmacy -> QVN Pharmacy
    5. Some common articles and prepositions are kept lowercase. (a, an, the, of, for, and so forth)
    6. Some common ALL CAPS words are made/kept all caps (USA, IRS, BMW)
    7. Chain name harmonization overrides title case processing.
    8. If the entire name is ALLCAPS, or if any word contains internal caps, like StreamLine, then a banner will appear after running the script with the option to force Strict Title Case. Press yes if you want to change StreamLine to Streamline. otherwise ignore.
  • Phone correction: If the phone field contains 10 digits, and the digits are not in either xxx-xxx-xxxx or (xxx) xxx-xxxx formats, then the script will put the digits into xxx-xxx-xxxx format. Those phone numbers that are already in either correct format are not altered. A leading 1 will be stripped.

  • url correction: If there is an http:// or https:// at the start of the website address, it will remove that from the website and keep the rest.

  • Basic info validation: Three checks are done prior to locking

    1. Place area vs. point checking: Script will check for area vs. point according to wiki guidance (including SE deviation for US Post Offices). If the place is a point but is supposed to be an area, then the script will pop up an alert. For categories that are not supposed to be mapped (junctions, water features), the script will pop up a warning instead of locking, and suggest manual locking if the place is truly valid. (The reverse check, saying that an area place should be a point, is not performed except for car dealerships, because many of the "point" categories are used inside of valid area places. Convenience store in a gas station area, for example.)

    2. Name checking: the place has to have a name, or it will pop up an alert.

    3. Address checking: If the HN or the street field are not filled, the script pops up an alert.

    4. Places with weird HNs are flagged for manual check and lock (8133455678, 123A, 31-2)

    Note: the name and address checks look to see that the info is there, but they don't say if it's correct (i.e., a wrong HN can't be detected by a script like this). The Harmonization part of the script can autocorrect some misspellings for chains but the editor needs to make sure that the name and address are the correct ones for the place.

  • Map Highlights: All places will show with a highlight on the map. Red colored places indicate major items missing, such as names, and addresses. Blue indicates minor issues such as missing url's, phone numbers, and hours. Green indicates a place with a Name, Address, Phone Number, URL and hours. There are highlighting options to allow certain checks to not be made and allow a place to appear Green on the map. A red and black alternating border will appear for places with extreme issues.

  • Applying a lock: If a place satisfies the 3 checks above, then the script will lock the place at the correct level. The level is determined from the SE locking guidelines. For example, hospitals are locked at 5, restaurants at 3. Places in the College Campus Project are locked according to those standards as much as possible. Notes: If your editor rank is lower than the lock required, then the script locks it to your rank. Also, the script will never down-lock a place. Please recognize that not all cases can be scripted. For example, park-and-ride lots are not easy to distinguish from regular parking lots in a script, so they are locked to 3 in this case. So use your judgement. This is just an (imperfect but hopefully useful) tool!

  • Alerts about potentially incorrect information appear above the Place information.

  • Post Office category gives a warning that the category is only used for USPS. Populates the url and alt name, warns to check that it's really a USPS or use other category, and adds services: creditcards, AC, parking, wheelchair

  • Reminders for Stadium and Hospital categories, that they are only used in certain cases

  • Places like banks and certain businesses that have similar names now pop up an alert to the editor can verify the script selected the right harmonization.

  • Duplicate Checking: Will search a radius for duplicate named places. This can be whitelisted to not appear again. It applies for both locations, so you will not have to set a whitelist at the "duplicate" place for the first whitelisted place.

  • Whitelisting: You can whitelist a place for specific items such as missing phone number, address, url, hours. This allows them to appear complete to WMEPH and turn green.


Harmonize, format, and lock Waze places






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