Repo to benchmark postgres performance
You need an instance of PostgreSQL. Here are some alternatives to deploy postgres:
- On Openshift you can use the Crunchy operator. These insttructions worked for me
- As an AWS RDS managed service
You will need the database URL for your Postgres instance.
Performance is significantly slower.
- Open a port-forward to your postgres instance as described here.
- Set the environment variables DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_HOST, DB_PORT, and DB_NAME
Build the image
docker build . -t benchmark-postgres
Push image to quay. Get push access to from Jorge or Sherin.
docker login -u {YOUR-QUAY_USER}
docker tag benchmark-postgres${QUAY_USER}/benchmark-postgres:latest
docker push${QUAY_USER}/benchmark-postgres:latest
Run Job in OCP cluster
oc login ...
oc apply -f deploy/benchmark-job.yaml
Updated: Sep 2