Bettermdptools is a package designed to help users get started with gymnasium, a maintained fork of OpenAI’s Gym library. Bettermdptools includes planning and reinforcement learning algorithms, useful utilities and plots, environment models for blackjack and cartpole, and starter code for working with gymnasium.
pip install or git clone bettermdptools.
pip install bettermdptools
git clone
Starter code to get up and running on the gymnasium frozen lake environment. See bettermdptools/notebooks for more.
import gymnasium as gym
from bettermdptools.algorithms.planner import Planner
from bettermdptools.utils.plots import Plots
# make gym environment
frozen_lake = gym.make('FrozenLake8x8-v1', render_mode=None)
# run VI
V, V_track, pi = Planner(frozen_lake.P).value_iteration()
#plot state values
Plots.values_heat_map(V, "Frozen Lake\nValue Iteration State Values", size)
In order to document our code, we use pdoc (NOT pdoc3
). This generates .html files that can be hosted via the docs/
To generate new docs, run:
pdoc --include-undocumented -d numpy -t docs-templates --output-dir docs bettermdptools
Pull requests are welcome. All docstrings should be numpy-style so they are parse-able by our autodocumentation tool.
- Fork bettermdptools.
- Create a branch (
git checkout -b branch_name
) - Commit changes (
git commit -m "Comments"
) - Push to branch (
git push origin branch_name
) - Open a pull request