A NativeScript plugin to provide the ability to play local and remote videos.
Android | iOS |
Android MediaPlayer | iOS AVPlayer |
Sample 1 | Sample 2
-------------------------------------| ------------------------------------- |
From your command prompt/terminal go to your app's root folder and execute:
tns plugin add nativescript-videoplayer
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd"
<VideoPlayer:Video id="nativeVideoPlayer"
controls="true" finished="{{ videoFinished }}"
loop="true" autoplay="false" height="280"
src="~/videos/big_buck_bunny.mp4" />
<!-- Remote file to test with https://clips.vorwaerts-gmbh.de/big_buck_bunny.mp4 -->
// somewhere at top of your component or bootstrap file
import {registerElement} from "nativescript-angular/element-registry";
registerElement("VideoPlayer", () => require("nativescript-videoplayer").Video);
// documentation: https://docs.nativescript.org/angular/plugins/angular-third-party.html#simple-elements
With AngularNative you have to explicitly close all components so the correct template code is below.
- src - required
Set the video file to play, for best performance use local video files if possible. The file must adhere to the platforms accepted video formats. For reference check the platform specs on playing videos.
- autoplay - (boolean) - optional
Set if the video should start playing as soon as possible or to wait for user interaction.
- finished - (function) - optional
Attribute to specify an event callback to execute when the video reaches the end of its duration.
- controls - (boolean) - optional
Set to use the native video player's media playback controls.
- muted - (boolean) - optional
Mutes the native video player.
- loop - (boolean) - optional
Sets the native video player to loop once playback has finished.
- fill - (boolean) - optional ANDROID ONLY
If set to true, the aspect ratio of the video will not be honored and it will fill the entire space available.
- playbackReady - (function) - optional
Attribute to specify an event callback to execute when the video is ready to play.
- seekToTimeComplete - (function) - optional
Attribute to specify an event callback to execute when the video has finished seekToTime.
- observeCurrentTime - (boolean) - optional
Sets if observables on currentTime are created.
- playbackStarted - (function) - optional IOS ONLY
Attribute to specify an event callback to execute when the video has started playing.
- play() - Start playing the video
- pause() - Pause the video
- seekToTime(time: number) - Seek the video to a time (milliseconds)
- getCurrentTime() - Returns the current time in the video duration (milliseconds)
- getDuration() - Returns the duration of the video (milliseconds)
- destroy() - Destroy the video player and free resources
- mute(boolean) - Mute the current video
- setVolume() - Set the volume - Must be between 0 and 1.
- stop() - Stop the playback - this resets the player and remove the video src
- currentTime() - Current time of video.
- Alex Ziskind @digitalix
- Nathanael Anderson @CongoCart
- Blake Nussey