If the user doesnt say anything, you can reprompt. If the user triggers a fallback intent, you can say varying inputs.
Reprompting is used only for Google Assistant and does not work on the Dialogflow console.
How to Use:
- Create an Agent with Dialogflow.com
- Go to the fulfillment page, you can use this code in the inline editor.
- For the welcome intent > Actions, set to "input.welcome". Set fulfillment "use webhook".
- Create a welcome fallback intent. For the Welcome fallback intent > Actions, set to "welcome.fallback". Set fulfillment "use webhook".
How to Test: Run in the dialogflow console or AoG simulator
- user says "hi"
- user says "gibberish"
- user says "anything"
- user says "something else"
Run in AoG simulator only
- user says "hi"
- press no user input button, or press enter, up to 3 times for varying messages