This short game was made during Game Off 2021, a game jam "where participants spend the month of November creating games based on a secret theme". This year's theme was "BUG".
If you want to know more, or play the game, check out the published version on
I am not allowed to redistribute most of the assets in the "external_resources" folder, so they are not included in this repository. However, if you like the sprites, I encourage you to buy/donate to the following assets and support the artists:
- Big thanks to LimeZu for his amazing Modern Interiors and Modern Office asset packs! The majority of sprites are from there (with minor modifications).
- Also thanks to Shubibubi for the ladybug asset from 100 Nature Things.
- Some item sprites are from this RPG 16x16 Items + Icons Pack by Michael Zone Games.
- The font is m5x7 by Daniel Linssen and it's public domain (CC-0).