- Request New URL Bin (POST, createBinHandler)
- ‘/’
- IP + Timestamp into Hash function to create new URL
- INSERT Query into PostgreSQL (created_at, URL)
- View URL Bin (GET, readBinHandler)
- /:url?inspect
- SELECT Query PostrgeSQL (get payload_id for each request in the bin)
- Use id from PostgreSQL to Query MongoDB (get payload data for each request in bin)
- Add Request to Bin (ALL, createRequestHandler)
- /:url
- Validate URL request:
- Query PostgreSQL to get the URL bin ID
- Insert into MongoDB to get the Mongo ID
- Insert into PostgreSQL w/ the mongoID and bin ID
- Limit responses sent to client to 20 and ignore the rest
- Deletion after 48hrs
- Cron job every 24 hours
- Triggers another Node file to cleanup PostgreSQL and Mongo