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test both Subtriangulation and MomentFitting
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jlchan committed Apr 30, 2024
1 parent e29ad80 commit 8e71427
Showing 1 changed file with 97 additions and 95 deletions.
192 changes: 97 additions & 95 deletions test/cut_mesh_tests.jl
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@@ -1,100 +1,102 @@
using StartUpDG: PathIntersections

@testset "Cut meshes" begin

cells_per_dimension = 4
cells_per_dimension_x, cells_per_dimension_y = cells_per_dimension, cells_per_dimension
circle = PresetGeometries.Circle(R=0.33, x0=0, y0=0)

rd = RefElemData(Quad(), N=3)
md = MeshData(MomentFitting(), rd, (circle, ),
cells_per_dimension_x, cells_per_dimension_y;

@test_throws ErrorException("Face index f = 5 > 4; too large.") StartUpDG.neighbor_across_face(5, nothing, nothing)

@test StartUpDG.num_cartesian_elements(md) + StartUpDG.num_cut_elements(md) == md.num_elements

@test (@capture_out, MIME"text/plain"(), md)) == "Cut-cell MeshData of dimension 2 with 16 elements (12 Cartesian, 4 cut)"

# test constructor with only one "cells_per_dimension" argument
@test_nowarn MeshData(MomentFitting(), rd, (circle, ), cells_per_dimension_x)

# check the volume of the domain
A = 4 - pi * .33^2
@test sum(md.wJq) A

# check the length of the boundary of the domain
wJf = md.mesh_type.cut_cell_data.wJf
@test sum(wJf[md.mapB]) (8 + 2 * pi * .33)

# check continuity of a function that's in the global polynomial space
(; physical_frame_elements) = md.mesh_type
(; x, y) = md
u = @. x^rd.N - x * y^(rd.N-1) - x^(rd.N-1) * y + y^rd.N
uf = similar(md.xf)
uf.cartesian .= rd.Vf * u.cartesian
for e in 1:size(md.x.cut, 2)
ids = md.mesh_type.cut_face_nodes[e]
Vf = md.mesh_type.cut_cell_operators.face_interpolation_matrices[e]
uf.cut[ids] .= Vf * u.cut[:, e]
@testset "Cut meshes ($(typeof(quadrature_type)))" for quadrature_type = [Subtriangulation(), MomentFitting()]
@testset "Correctness" begin

cells_per_dimension = 4
cells_per_dimension_x, cells_per_dimension_y = cells_per_dimension, cells_per_dimension
circle = PresetGeometries.Circle(R=0.33, x0=0, y0=0)

rd = RefElemData(Quad(), N=3)
md = MeshData(rd, (circle, ),
cells_per_dimension_x, cells_per_dimension_y,

@test_throws ErrorException("Face index f = 5 > 4; too large.") StartUpDG.neighbor_across_face(5, nothing, nothing)

@test StartUpDG.num_cartesian_elements(md) + StartUpDG.num_cut_elements(md) == md.num_elements

@test (@capture_out, MIME"text/plain"(), md)) == "Cut-cell MeshData of dimension 2 with 16 elements (12 Cartesian, 4 cut)"

# test constructor with only one "cells_per_dimension" argument
@test_nowarn MeshData(rd, (circle, ), cells_per_dimension_x, quadrature_type)

# check the volume of the domain
A = 4 - pi * .33^2
@test abs(sum(md.wJq) - A) < 7e-5 # should be 6.417e-5

# check the length of the boundary of the domain
wJf = md.mesh_type.cut_cell_data.wJf
@test abs(sum(wJf[md.mapB]) - (8 + 2 * pi * .33)) < 8e-5 # should be 7.66198e-5

# check continuity of a function that's in the global polynomial space
(; physical_frame_elements) = md.mesh_type
(; x, y) = md
u = @. x^rd.N - x * y^(rd.N-1) - x^(rd.N-1) * y + y^rd.N
uf = similar(md.xf)
uf.cartesian .= rd.Vf * u.cartesian
for e in 1:size(md.x.cut, 2)
ids = md.mesh_type.cut_face_nodes[e]
Vf = md.mesh_type.cut_cell_operators.face_interpolation_matrices[e]
uf.cut[ids] .= Vf * u.cut[:, e]
@test all(uf .≈ vec(uf[md.mapP]))

dudx_exact = @. rd.N * x^(rd.N-1) - y^(rd.N-1) - (rd.N-1) * x^(rd.N-2) * y
dudy_exact = @. -(rd.N-1) * x * y^(rd.N-2) - x^(rd.N-1) + rd.N * y^(rd.N-1)
(; physical_frame_elements, cut_face_nodes) = md.mesh_type
dudx, dudy = similar(md.x), similar(md.x)
dudx.cartesian .= (md.rxJ.cartesian .* (rd.Dr * u.cartesian)) ./ md.J.cartesian
dudy.cartesian .= (md.syJ.cartesian .* (rd.Ds * u.cartesian)) ./ md.J.cartesian
for (e, elem) in enumerate(physical_frame_elements)
VDM = vandermonde(elem, rd.N, x.cut[:, e], y.cut[:, e])
Vq, Vxq, Vyq = map(A -> A / VDM, basis(elem, rd.N, md.xq.cut[:,e], md.yq.cut[:, e]))

M = Vq' * diagm(md.wJq.cut[:, e]) * Vq
Qx = Vq' * diagm(md.wJq.cut[:, e]) * Vxq
Qy = Vq' * diagm(md.wJq.cut[:, e]) * Vyq
Dx, Dy = M \ Qx, M \ Qy
# LIFT = M \ (Vf' * diagm(wJf))

# TODO: add interface flux terms into test
dudx.cut[:, e] .= Dx * u.cut[:,e] # (md.rxJ.cut[:,e] .* (Dr * u.cut[:,e]))
dudy.cut[:, e] .= Dy * u.cut[:,e] # (md.rxJ.cut[:,e] .* (Dr * u.cut[:,e]))

@test dudx dudx_exact
@test dudy dudy_exact

# test normals are unit and non-zero
@test all(@. md.nx^2 + md.ny^2 1)

# test creation of equispaced nodes on cut cells
x, y = equi_nodes(physical_frame_elements[1], circle, 10)
# shouldn't have more points than equispaced points on a quad
@test 0 < length(x) <= length(first(equi_nodes(Quad(), 10)))
# no points should be contained in the circle
@test !all(PathIntersections.is_contained.(circle, zip(x, y)))

@test all(uf .≈ vec(uf[md.mapP]))

dudx_exact = @. rd.N * x^(rd.N-1) - y^(rd.N-1) - (rd.N-1) * x^(rd.N-2) * y
dudy_exact = @. -(rd.N-1) * x * y^(rd.N-2) - x^(rd.N-1) + rd.N * y^(rd.N-1)
(; physical_frame_elements, cut_face_nodes) = md.mesh_type
dudx, dudy = similar(md.x), similar(md.x)
dudx.cartesian .= (md.rxJ.cartesian .* (rd.Dr * u.cartesian)) ./ md.J
dudy.cartesian .= (md.syJ.cartesian .* (rd.Ds * u.cartesian)) ./ md.J
for (e, elem) in enumerate(physical_frame_elements)
VDM = vandermonde(elem, rd.N, x.cut[:, e], y.cut[:, e])
Vq, Vxq, Vyq = map(A -> A / VDM, basis(elem, rd.N, md.xq.cut[:,e], md.yq.cut[:, e]))

M = Vq' * diagm(md.wJq.cut[:, e]) * Vq
Qx = Vq' * diagm(md.wJq.cut[:, e]) * Vxq
Qy = Vq' * diagm(md.wJq.cut[:, e]) * Vyq
Dx, Dy = M \ Qx, M \ Qy
# LIFT = M \ (Vf' * diagm(wJf))

# TODO: add interface flux terms into test
dudx.cut[:, e] .= Dx * u.cut[:,e] # (md.rxJ.cut[:,e] .* (Dr * u.cut[:,e]))
dudy.cut[:, e] .= Dy * u.cut[:,e] # (md.rxJ.cut[:,e] .* (Dr * u.cut[:,e]))

@testset "State redistribution" begin
# test state redistribution
cells_per_dimension = 4
circle = PresetGeometries.Circle(R=0.6, x0=0, y0=0)
rd = RefElemData(Quad(), N=4)
md = MeshData(rd, (circle, ), cells_per_dimension, quadrature_type)

srd = StateRedistribution(rd, md)
e = @. 0 * md.x + 1 # constant
u = @. md.x + md.x^3 .* md.y # degree 4 polynomial
ecopy, ucopy = copy.((e, u))

# two ways of applying SRD
apply!(u, srd)
srd(e) # in-place application of SRD functor

# test exactness
@test norm(e .- ecopy) < 1e3 * eps()
@test norm(u .- ucopy) < 1e3 * eps()

@test dudx dudx_exact
@test dudy dudy_exact

# test normals are unit and non-zero
@test all(@. md.nx^2 + md.ny^2 1)

# test creation of equispaced nodes on cut cells
x, y = equi_nodes(physical_frame_elements[1], circle, 10)
# shouldn't have more points than equispaced points on a quad
@test 0 < length(x) <= length(first(equi_nodes(Quad(), 10)))
# no points should be contained in the circle
@test !all(PathIntersections.is_contained.(circle, zip(x, y)))


@testset "State redistribution" begin
# test state redistribution
cells_per_dimension = 4
circle = PresetGeometries.Circle(R=0.6, x0=0, y0=0)
rd = RefElemData(Quad(), N=4)
md = MeshData(MomentFitting(), rd, (circle, ),
cells_per_dimension, cells_per_dimension)

srd = StateRedistribution(rd, md)
e = @. 0 * md.x + 1 # constant
u = @. md.x + md.x^3 .* md.y # degree 4 polynomial
ecopy, ucopy = copy.((e, u))

# two ways of applying SRD
apply!(u, srd)
srd(e) # in-place application of SRD functor

# test exactness
@test norm(e .- ecopy) < 1e3 * eps()
@test norm(u .- ucopy) < 1e3 * eps()

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