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jlchan committed May 21, 2024
1 parent 856ab0e commit 8275a09
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Showing 4 changed files with 252 additions and 246 deletions.
244 changes: 0 additions & 244 deletions src/RefElemData_SBP.jl
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Expand Up @@ -194,249 +194,5 @@ function hybridized_SBP_operators(rd)
return Qrsth, VhP, Ph, Vh

# default to doing nothing
map_nodes_to_symmetric_element(element_type, rst...) = rst

# for triangles, map to an equilateral triangle
function map_nodes_to_symmetric_element(::Tri, r, s)
# biunit right triangular vertices
v1, v2, v3 = SVector{2}.(zip(nodes(Tri(), 1)...))

denom = (v2[2] - v3[2]) * (v1[1] - v3[1]) + (v3[1] - v2[1]) * (v1[2] - v3[2])
L1 = @. ((v2[2] - v3[2]) * (r - v3[1]) + (v3[1] - v2[1]) * (s - v3[2])) / denom
L2 = @. ((v3[2] - v1[2]) * (r - v3[1]) + (v1[1] - v3[1]) * (s - v3[2])) / denom
L3 = @. 1 - L1 - L2

# equilateral vertices
v1 = SVector{2}(2 * [-.5, -sqrt(3) / 6])
v2 = SVector{2}(2 * [.5, -sqrt(3)/6])
v3 = SVector{2}(2 * [0, sqrt(3)/3])

x = @. v1[1] * L1 + v2[1] * L2 + v3[1] * L3
y = @. v1[2] * L1 + v2[2] * L2 + v3[2] * L3

return x, y

function sparse_low_order_SBP_operators(rd; factor=1.01)
Constructs sparse low order SBP operators given a `RefElemData`.
Returns operators `Qrst..., E ≈ Vf * Pq` that satisfy a generalized
summation-by-parts (GSBP) property:
`Q_i + Q_i^T = E' * B_i * E`
`factor` is a scaling which determines how close a node must be to
another node to be considered a neighbor.
function sparse_low_order_SBP_operators(rd::RefElemData{NDIMS}; factor=1.01) where {NDIMS}
(; Pq, Vf, rstq, wf, nrstJ) = rd

# if element is a simplex, convert nodes to an equilateral triangle for symmetry
rstq = map_nodes_to_symmetric_element(rd.element_type, rstq...)

# build distance and adjacency matrices
D = [norm(SVector{NDIMS}(getindex.(rstq, i)) - SVector{NDIMS}(getindex.(rstq, j)))
for i in eachindex(first(rstq)), j in eachindex(first(rstq))]
A = zeros(Int, length(first(rstq)), length(first(rstq)))
for i in axes(D, 1)
# heuristic cutoff - we take NDIMS + 1 neighbors, but the smallest distance = 0,
# so we need to access the first NDIMS + 2 sorted distance entries.
dist = sort(view(D, i, :))[NDIMS + 2]
for j in findall(view(D, i, :) .< factor * dist)
A[i, j] = 1
A = (A + A' .> 0) # symmetrize
L = Diagonal(vec(sum(A, dims=2))) - A
sorted_eigvals = sort(eigvals(L))

# check that there's only one zero null vector
if sorted_eigvals[2] < 10 * size(A, 1) * eps()
error("Warning: the connectivity between nodes yields a graph with " *
"more than one connected component. Try increasing the value of `factor`.")

# note: this part doesn't do anything for a nodal SBP operator. In that case, E_dense = E = Vf
# and E should just reduce to Vf, which is a face extraction operator.
E_dense = Vf * Pq
E = zeros(size(E_dense))
for i in axes(E, 1)
# find all j such that E[i,j] ≥ 0.5, e.g., points which positively contribute to at least half of the
# interpolation. These seem to be associated with volume points "j" that are close to face point "i".
ids = findall(E_dense[i, :] .>= 0.5)
E[i, ids] .= E_dense[i, ids] ./ sum(E_dense[i, ids]) # normalize so sum(E, dims=2) = [1, 1, ...] still.
Brst = (nJ -> diagm(wf .* nJ)).(nrstJ)

# compute potential
e = ones(size(L, 2))
right_hand_sides = map(B -> 0.5 * sum(E' * B, dims=2), Brst)
psi_augmented = map(b -> [L e; e' 0] \ [b; 0], right_hand_sides)
psi = map(x -> x[1:end-1], psi_augmented)

# construct sparse skew part
function construct_skew_matrix_from_potential(ψ)
S = zeros(length(ψ), length(ψ))
for i in axes(S, 1), j in axes(S, 2)
if A[i,j] > 0
S[i,j] = ψ[j] - ψ[i]
return S

Srst = construct_skew_matrix_from_potential.(psi)
Qrst = map((S, B) -> S + 0.5 * E' * B * E, Srst, Brst)
return sparse.(Qrst), sparse(E)

function sparse_low_order_SBP_1D_operators(rd::RefElemData)
E = zeros(2, rd.N+1)
E[1, 1] = 1
E[2, end] = 1

# create volume operators
Q = diagm(1 => ones(rd.N), -1 => -ones(rd.N))
Q[1,1] = -1
Q[end,end] = 1
Q = 0.5 * Q

return (sparse(Q),), sparse(E)

sparse_low_order_SBP_operators(rd::RefElemData{1, Line, <:Union{<:SBP, <:Polynomial{Gauss}}}) =

function diagonal_1D_mass_matrix(N, ::SBP)
_, w1D = gauss_lobatto_quad(0, 0, N)
return Diagonal(w1D)

function diagonal_1D_mass_matrix(N, ::Polynomial{Gauss})
_, w1D = gauss_quad(0, 0, N)
return Diagonal(w1D)

function sparse_low_order_SBP_operators(rd::RefElemData{2, Quad, <:Union{<:SBP, <:Polynomial{Gauss}}})
(Q1D,), E1D = sparse_low_order_SBP_1D_operators(rd)

# permute face node ordering for the first 2 faces
ids = reshape(1:(rd.N+1) * 2, :, 2)
Er = zeros((rd.N+1) * 2, rd.Np)
Er[vec(ids'), :] .= kron(I(rd.N+1), E1D)
Es = kron(E1D, I(rd.N+1))
E = vcat(Er, Es)

M1D = diagonal_1D_mass_matrix(rd.N, rd.approximation_type)
Qr = kron(M1D, Q1D)
Qs = kron(Q1D, M1D)

return sparse.((Qr, Qs)), sparse(E)

function sparse_low_order_SBP_operators(rd::RefElemData{3, Hex, <:Union{<:SBP, <:Polynomial{Gauss}}})
(Q1D,), E1D = sparse_low_order_SBP_1D_operators(rd)

# permute face nodes for the faces in the ±r and ±s directions
ids = reshape(1:(rd.N+1)^2 * 2, rd.N+1, :, 2)
Er, Es, Et = ntuple(_ -> zeros((rd.N+1)^2 * 2, rd.Np), 3)
Er[vec(permutedims(ids, [2, 3, 1])), :] .= kron(I(rd.N+1), E1D, I(rd.N+1))
Es[vec(permutedims(ids, [3, 2, 1])), :] .= kron(I(rd.N+1), I(rd.N+1), E1D)
Et .= kron(E1D, I(rd.N+1), I(rd.N+1))

# create boundary extraction matrix
E = vcat(Er, Es, Et)

M1D = diagonal_1D_mass_matrix(rd.N, rd.approximation_type)
Qr = kron(M1D, Q1D, M1D)
Qs = kron(M1D, M1D, Q1D)
Qt = kron(Q1D, M1D, M1D)

return sparse.((Qr, Qs, Qt)), sparse(E)

# builds subcell operators D * R such that for r such that sum(r) = 0,
# D * Diagonal(θ) * R * r is also diagonal for any choice of θ. This is
# useful in subcell limiting (see, for example
# for a 1D example)
function subcell_limiting_operators(Qr::AbstractMatrix; tol = 100 * eps())
Qr = sparse(Qr)
Sr = droptol!(Qr - Qr', tol)
Br = droptol!(Qr + Qr', tol)

num_interior_fluxes = nnz(Sr) ÷ 2
num_boundary_indices = nnz(Br)
num_fluxes = num_interior_fluxes + num_boundary_indices

interior_indices = findall(Sr .> tol)
boundary_indices = findall(abs.(Br) .> tol)

matrix_indices = zeros(Int, size(Sr))
for (i, ij) in enumerate(boundary_indices)
matrix_indices[ij] = i
matrix_indices[ij.I[2], ij.I[1]] = i

for (i, ij) in enumerate(interior_indices)
matrix_indices[ij] = i + length(boundary_indices)
matrix_indices[ij.I[2], ij.I[1]] = i + length(boundary_indices)

D = zeros(size(Qr, 2), num_fluxes)
for i in axes(matrix_indices, 1), j in axes(matrix_indices, 2)
if matrix_indices[i, j] !== 0
D[i, matrix_indices[i, j]] = Qr[i, j]

d = vec(ones(size(D, 1))' * D)
ids = findall(@. abs(d) > 1e2 * eps())

Z = nullspace(D)[ids, :]
A = pinv(D)[ids,:]

# compute R via linear algebra
m, n = size(A)
z = size(Z, 2)
C = hcat(kron(I(n), Z), kron(ones(n), I(m)))
sol = pinv(C) * -vec(A)
X = reshape(sol[1:n*z], (z, n))
R = pinv(D) + nullspace(D) * X

# check if R satisfies our pseudoinverse condition
@assert norm(D * R - I(size(D,1))) < tol * length(D)

return D, R

Δrst, Rrst = subcell_limiting_operators(rd::RefElemData)
Returns tuples of subcell limiting operators Drst = (Δr, Δs, ...) and R = (Rr, Rs, ...)
such that for r where sum(r) = 0, sum(D * Diagonal(θ) * R * r) = 0 for any choice of θ.
These operators are useful for conservative subcell limiting techniques (see for an example of such an approach on
tensor product elements).
Sparse SBP operators used in an intermediate step when buidling these subcell
limiting operators; by default, these operators are constructed using
`sparse_low_order_SBP_operators`. To construct subcell limiting operators for a
general SBP operator, one can use the following:
Δ, R = subcell_limiting_operators(Q::AbstractMatrix; tol = 100 * eps())
function subcell_limiting_operators(rd::RefElemData)
Qrst, _ = sparse_low_order_SBP_operators(rd)
Δrst, Rrst = subcell_limiting_operators.(Qrst)
return zip(Δrst, Rrst)

# specialize for single dimension
function subcell_limiting_operators(rd::RefElemData{1})
Qrst, _ = sparse_low_order_SBP_operators(rd)
Δrst, Rrst = subcell_limiting_operators(Qrst[1])
return Δrst, Rrst
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/StartUpDG.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ using Triangulate: Triangulate, TriangulateIO, triangulate

@inline mean(x) = sum(x) / length(x)

# reference element utility functions

Expand All @@ -38,7 +37,10 @@ export TensorProductWedge
export SBP, DefaultSBPType, TensorProductLobatto, Hicken, Kubatko # types for SBP node dispatch
export LobattoFaceNodes, LegendreFaceNodes # type parameters for SBP{Kubatko{...}}
export hybridized_SBP_operators, sparse_low_order_SBP_operators
export hybridized_SBP_operators

export sparse_low_order_SBP_operators
export subcell_limiting_operators
export inverse_trace_constant, face_type

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