This repository contains Dockerfile of apache-airflow .
- Based on Python (3.6-slim) official Image python:3.6-slim and uses the official MySql as backend and Redis as queue
- Install Docker
- Install Docker Compose
- Following the Airflow release from Python Package Index
For Building the docker container for airflow you first need to build the docker image using the dockerfile added in the repository.For adding Extra Packages edit the docker file and then build.
docker build --rm -t jksingh/docker-airflow .
Don't forget to update the airflow images in the docker-compose files to jksingh/docker-airflow:latest.
By default, docker-airflow runs Airflow with SequentialExecutor :
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 jksingh/docker-airflow webserver
If you want to run another executor, use the other docker-compose files provided in this repository.
For LocalExecutor :
docker-compose -f docker-compose-mysql-local.yml up -d
For CeleryExecutor :
docker-compose -f docker-compose-mysql-celery.yml up -d
NB : If you want to have DAGs example loaded (default=False), you've to set the following environment variable :
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e LOAD_EX=y jksingh/docker-airflow
- Airflow: localhost:8080
- Flower: localhost:5555
- Issue Tracker: