If you enjoy this library, please consider supporting me for developing and maintaining it.
Here a live playground page where you can interactively config your own graph, and generate a ready to use configuration! 😎
You can also load different datasets and configurations via URL query parameter, here are the links:
- small dataset - small example.
- custom node dataset - sample config with custom views.
- marvel dataset! - sample config with directed collapsible graph and custom svg nodes.
- static dataset! - small sample config statically positioned nodes.
Do you want to visualize your own data set on the live sandbox? Just submit a PR! You're welcome 😁
Full documentation here.
npm install d3@^5.5.0 # if you don't have d3 already
npm install react@^16.4.1 # if you don't have react already
npm install react-d3-graph
Note that react
and d3
are peer-dependencies, this means that the responsability to install them is delegated to the client. This will give you a bigger flexibility on what versions of d3
and react
you want to consume, you just need to make sure that you are compliant with the range of versions that react-d3-graph
is compatible with. If you install react-d3-graph
without first installing d3
and react
you might be propmt the following warnings:
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of d3@^5.5.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of react@^16.4.1 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
Graph component is the main component for react-d3-graph components, its interface allows its user to build the graph once the user provides the data, configuration (optional) and callback interactions (also optional). The code for the live example can be consulted here.
import { Graph } from "react-d3-graph";
// graph payload (with minimalist structure)
const data = {
nodes: [{ id: "Harry" }, { id: "Sally" }, { id: "Alice" }],
links: [{ source: "Harry", target: "Sally" }, { source: "Harry", target: "Alice" }],
// the graph configuration, you only need to pass down properties
// that you want to override, otherwise default ones will be used
const myConfig = {
nodeHighlightBehavior: true,
node: {
color: "lightgreen",
size: 120,
highlightStrokeColor: "blue",
link: {
highlightColor: "lightblue",
// graph event callbacks
const onClickGraph = function() {
window.alert(`Clicked the graph background`);
const onClickNode = function(nodeId) {
window.alert(`Clicked node ${nodeId}`);
const onDoubleClickNode = function(nodeId) {
window.alert(`Double clicked node ${nodeId}`);
const onRightClickNode = function(event, nodeId) {
window.alert(`Right clicked node ${nodeId}`);
const onMouseOverNode = function(nodeId) {
window.alert(`Mouse over node ${nodeId}`);
const onMouseOutNode = function(nodeId) {
window.alert(`Mouse out node ${nodeId}`);
const onClickLink = function(source, target) {
window.alert(`Clicked link between ${source} and ${target}`);
const onRightClickLink = function(event, source, target) {
window.alert(`Right clicked link between ${source} and ${target}`);
const onMouseOverLink = function(source, target) {
window.alert(`Mouse over in link between ${source} and ${target}`);
const onMouseOutLink = function(source, target) {
window.alert(`Mouse out link between ${source} and ${target}`);
const onNodePositionChange = function(nodeId, x, y) {
window.alert(`Node ${nodeId} is moved to new position. New position is x= ${x} y= ${y}`);
id="graph-id" // id is mandatory, if no id is defined rd3g will throw an error
Contributions are welcome fell free to submit new ideas/features, just open an issue or send me an email or something. If you are more a hands on person, just submit a pull request. Before jumping into coding, please take at the contribution guidelines CONTRIBUTING.md.
To run react-d3-graph in development mode you just need to run npm run dev
and the interactive sandbox will reload with the changes to the library code, that way you can test your changes not only through unit test but also through a real life example. It's that simple.
Well if you scrolled this far maybe react-d3-graph does not fulfill all your requirements 😭, but don't worry I got you covered! There are a lot of different and good alternatives out there, here is a list with a few alternatives. Btw, not in the previous list but also a valid alternative built by uber uber/react-vis-force.