A SketchApp plugin that inserts random user data into your Sketch documents. Random user data is pulled from the fantastic webservice at http://randomuser.me/
Download the zip for this project and extract it to a temporary folder. Copy the Random User folder your Sketch Plugin folder. You can get access to that folder by opening the Plugins menu, and choosing Reveal Plugins Folder....
Select any Artboard in your project, open the Plugins menu and choose Random User > Insert Random User. You can refresh the user with new data by opening the Plugins menu and choose Random User > Refresh Random Users.
Watch this short screencast for full description of how the plugin can be customized.
The insertion of data into the Sketch Text layers are determined by the name of the text layer. The layer must begin profile: and then be followed by any combination of the following keywords:
- firstname
- lastname
- picture
- street
- city
- state
- zip
- phone
- cell
- username
- profile:firstname
- profile:lastname, firstname
- profile:city, state zip
In future releases I will be adding support for:
- Date of birth
- Date registered