This project is about Luigi's Pizza Bar Restaurant which offers different sizes of pizzas with one or more toppings which attracts alot of customers by ordering.
These are:
If there is a pending information I can use to improve the project please feel free to email, that is [email protected].
As you Navigate inside the Order section choose what kind of crust you would like on your pizza to have e.g Crispy, Stuffed, Gluten-free.
Choose the topping(s) you want on your pizza, place an order for your Pizza and see the total charge for it,you can order as many pizzas as you want.
You can have the pizza delivered either by contacting us through phone calls or by contacting us in the chat-box and we are able to fulfill our customers obligation.
If you want your favourite pizza delivered we will tell you the amount of delivery charge you will spend depending on your current location e.g Nairobi, either in the chat-box or via phone calls.
The website is under Mit license.