Original Date July, 1997
As of May 4, 2020, I haven't yet created build files for all of the directories.
The build.bat batch file is left over from 16-bit days and does not work.
The .sln
solution file was built for Visual Studio 2019.
In the MFC chapter I discussed my desire to write sample code for using MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx with MFC. In 2010 I finally did that research and determined that it wouldn't work. Here's my writeup:
This table lists sample programs according to what chapter they are found in. Most sample programs are character-based console programs. Those programs that are graphically-based are marked in the table below as GUI. The notes also mention those samples that are C++, MFC or only work under Windows NT.
The table in in the next section is in alphabetical order and gives short descriptions of the various sample programs.
Sample Name Listing Notes
Chapter 2 Numbers 2-1
ExitCode 2-2
ExitThrd 2-3
Error 2-4
BackPrnt 2-6
Chapter 3 BusyWait 3-1
TaskQueS 3-2
TaskQueM 3-3
PrntWait 3-5 GUI
Chapter 4 Dining GUI
EventTst GUI
Chapter 5 ThrdTerm 5-1
Chapter 6 IoByFile 6-1
IoByEvnt 6-2
IoByAPC 6-3
Echo 6-4
Chapter 7 Readwrit 7-1
Chapter 8 SrchCrt 8-1
SrchWin 8-2
Banner 8-3
Chapter 9 CppSkel 9-1 C++
BadClass 9-2 C++
Member 9-3 C++
Chapter 10 Numbers.cpp
Chapter 11 Cancel GUI, MFC, C++
Chapter 13 CopyData 13-1 GUI, MFC, C++
ShareMem 13-3 GUI, MFC, C++
Chapter 14 SmallDll 14-1 C++
Worker 14-3 C++
Chapter 16 is2odbc C++, ISAPI
Chapter 17 ComDemo C++, OLE
Sample Chapter Notes
BackPrnt Chapter 2 (Listing 2-6) GUI
Background printing example. Italicizes the
given text and displays it on either the screen
on prints to the printer. Can have multiple
jobs outstanding at the same time.
BadClass Chapter 9 (Listing 9-2) C++
Demonstrates how *not* to start a thread with a
C++ member function. This sample program does
not compile.
Banner Chapter 8 (Listing 8-3)
Demonstrates the use the Console API to run
multiple threads without using the run-time
library and stdio.
BusyPrio Chapter 5
Demonstrates the impact that high priority
threads can have on a running program.
BusyWait Chapter 3 (Listing 3-1)
Demonstrates the impact of a busy loop on
program performance.
Busy2, Chapter 3
Busy3 Variations on BusyWait to be used with
Performance Monitor.
Cancel Chapter 11 GUI, MFC, C++
Shows two techniques that were tried to run a
modeless dialog concurrently with the primary
thread. This sample shows techniques that do
not work.
ComDemo Chapter 17 C++, , OLE
Freethreading model OLE server (dual-
interface). Included with this sample are
MfcCli and VbCli, which are clients to test the
server written in MFC and Visual Basic,
CopyData Chapter 13 (Listing 13-1) GUI, MFC, C++
Demonstrates interprocess communication using
the WM_COPYDATA message.
CppSkel Chapter 9 (Listing 9-1) C++
Show how to work around the problems of using
_beginthreadex() in a C++ program.
Dining Chapter 4 GUI
Graphically illustrates deadlock using the
Dining Philosophers.
Echo Chapter 6 (Listing 6-4)
Echo server written using WinSock and I/O
completion ports. Demonstrates the optimal way
to write high performance server applications.
There are two subdirectories, EchoSrv and
EchoCli. Run EchoSrv in one window and the
EchoCli in another window.
Error Chapter 2 (Listing 2-4)
Demonstrates MTVERIFY catching a program error.
EventTst Chapter 4 GUI
Lets you can control an Event Object and shows
the results of threads waiting on the event
ExitCode Chapter 2 (Listing 2-2)
Use GetExitCodeThread() to decide if a thread
has exited.
ExitThrd Chapter 2 (Listing 2-3)
Show ExitThread() in action.
IoByAPC Chapter 6 (Listing 6-2)
Demonstrates overlapped I/O using Asynchronous
Procedure Calls.
IoByEvnt Chapter 6 (Listing 6-2)
Demonstrates overlapped I/O that waits by using
an event object.
IoByFile Chapter 6 (Listing 6-1)
Demonstrates overlapped I/O that waits by using
the file handle.
Is2odbc Chapter 16 C++, ISAPI
ISAPI plug-in for Internet Information Server
and Peer Web Services that allows ISAPI to
access a JET database. This sample requires
extensive configuration; see the README in this
Member Chapter 9 (Listing 9-3) C++
How to use a class member function to start a
Numbers Chapter 2 (Listing 2-1)
Shows the problems that can be caused by
running multiple threads. This sample
intentionally does not use the multithreaded C
run-time library.
Numbers.cpp Chapter 10
Rewrite of the Numbers sample program from
Chapter 2. This version uses MFC.
Numbers2 Chapter 10
Update of Numbers.cpp that shows finer control
over the thread object.
NumClass Chapter 10
Start an MFC worker thread without using
PrntWait Chapter 3 (Listing 3-5) GUI
Continuation of BackPrnt. Monitors currently
running threads to give a current count and
uses WaitForMultipleObjects() to wait for
threads to terminate before exiting.
Readwrit Chapter 7
Uses a Readers/Writers lock to protect a linked
ShareMem Chapter 13 GUI, MFC, C++
Uses shared memory in the paging file to
perform low-level interprocess communication.
SmallDll Chapter 14 C++
DLL and driver programs that illustrate the
attach and detach messages that a DLL receives
as a process and its threads invoke the DLL.
SrchCrt Chapter 8
Searches through *.c in the current directory
using multiple threads. Uses the C run-time
SrchWin Chapter 8
Searches through *.c in the current directory
using multiple threads. Does not use the C run-
time library, so can call CreateThread().
TaskQueM Chapter 3
Queue a set of tasks for a pool of threads
using WaitForMultipleObjects(). This solution
is much more optimal than TaskQueS.
TaskQueS Chapter 3
Queue a set of tasks for a pool of threads
using WaitForSingleObject(). This solution is
much less optimal than TaskQueM.
ThrdTerm Chapter 5
How to cleanly cause a thread to exit.
Worker Chapter 14 C++
How to use the message queue as a request queue
for worker threads.