- Use the template document
to create a document that describes at least three classes you are currently taking in Fall 2018. (Note: If you are taking fewer than 3 classes, you may describe jobs or other responsibilities for additional entries) - Students are recommended to use the RStudio Server to complete this assignment
- Students in this section of STAT 184 may help from one another, but each student must submit his/her own original work to be graded.
- You should be able to get by with pretty basic use of Git/GitHub, but you will want to learn and configure these tools as soon as possible. Here's the best tutorial I know about http://happygitwithr.com/
- Help each other, share Rmd tips, post questions/answers/syntax to Piazza!
This activity is worth a total of 10 points:
- [1 point] you must have at least two "commits" in GitHub as you work through the assignment
- [5 points] Submit working RMarkdown Notebook as an HTML document to Canvas
- [1 point] Level 3 heading for each class (0.5 point if some classes have heading other than level 3)
- [1 point] One or two sentences about why you're taking each class (0.5 point if one or more classes don't include any narrative)
- [1 point] links to a webpage relevant to the class (e.g. Wikipedia; 0.5 point if some classes are missing a working link)
- [1 point] embed a relevant picture/figure (0.5 point if one or more classes are missing an embedded image)