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Startup template for a web application based on Hanami 2.0

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  • This is a startup template for a web application based on Hanami 2.0 which can be cloned and adopted for personal use.

  • At the time of writing this the application has CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) operations implemented for a model (or business-entity) Doctor.

  • For interacting with the database layer of the application the application utilizes the ROM Repository as the primary interface and to work with the persisted data, instead of directly working with relation tuples, Entity concept is used.

  • For implementing the business logic dry-transaction gem is utilized.

  • The application utilizes very simple, straightforward and no suprises approach for using CSS and JS assets. By default it uses simplecss as basic library for styling pages and jQuery as basic library for working with Javascript.

  • The application internally uses hanami view and hanami helpers. Note: Officially 2.0-compatible versions of those gems have not been released so the application directly uses the main branch codebase from their github repositories. For more details please refer Gemfile of this application.

  • The application uses HAML for templating front-end views.

  • The application logs are configured to be written by default to <app_root>/log/<env_name>.log file. For more details refer <app_root>/config/app.rb.

  • There is file named in <app_root> folder which has extensive notes regarding the problems faced while implementing the CRUD operations and the approaches/solutions used to solve them. The notes would also prove helpful in understanding the workflow of various components involved in Hanami gems giving a better insight into utilizing them in intended manner.

Environment Variables


    • A URL acceptable by rom-rb. For more details refer

    • Example URL for connecting to a PostgreSQL database: postgres://postgres:root@localhost:5432/hanami_startup_template_dev

    • For development env you should set this variable in .env file under <app_root> folder. That is the file which is read for development env by dotenv gem which is used by this application. Note: Following is recommended in Hanami 2.0 Guide

      We do not recommend using dotenv in production environments.


    • A unique value set for Http Session. For e.g. you can generate such value using following code from Ruby's irb console:

        require 'securerandom'
    • For development env you should set this variable in .env file under <app_root> folder. That is the file which is read for development env by dotenv gem which is used by this application. Note: Following is recommended in Hanami 2.0 Guide

      We do not recommend using dotenv in production environments.

  • Following are supported only if HANAMI_ENV is set to production


      • Acceptable values: debug, info, warn, error, fatal

      • Acceptable value any integer greater than 0.

      • If not set default value used is 31536000 corresponding to number of seconds in 1 year.


Note: No fancy stuff here like JS bundlers, precompilers etc. Simple and straightfoward workflow is followed here to avoid any puzzling or wierd behaviour like assets not found

  • Add your CSS file to <app_root>/app/assets/css folder and then add the entry to it in manifest.txt file under that folder.

  • Add your JS file to <app_root>/app/assets/js folder and then add the entry to it in manifest.txt file under that folder.

  • By default the assets are served using Rack::Static middleware. See <app_root>/ for details.

  • For production environment the assets should be served from <app_root>/public folder. So you should first generate the assets in that folder using the rake task assets_custom_manager:minify_assets defined for that purpose. Please refer the details under Rake Tasks section ahead.

  • For development environment the assets should be served from <app_root>/app/assets folder.

Rake Tasks

  • Supported for Production environment only

    1. To generate single minified version one for each of the following asset types: CSS, JS run following command:
      <app_root>$ HANAMI_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets_custom_manager:minify_assets

    That should generate files application.<fingerprint>.css and application.<fingerprint>.js under public/css and public/js folders, respectively.

    Note: If you modified your assets on your development environment and want to deploy those changes to production env then you must run the above rake task on production environment.

Development Environment Setup

  • Pre-requisites:

    1. Ruby 3.1.2 must be installed. The Ruby version is specified in the file .ruby-version that should be available under <app_root> folder when cloning the application.

    2. You should have a ruby version manager installed which supports creating gemsets. For e.g. the author of these instructions used RVM. The gemset name is specified in the file .ruby-gemset that should be available under <app_root> folder when cloning the application.

  • Clone the application by running following commands:

    	<app_root>$ git clone .
  • Create a RVM gemset by running following command:

     <app_root>$ cd ../<app_root>

    That should generate output similar to following

     ruby-3.1.2 - #gemset created /home/jignesh/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.1.2@startup-template-hanami-2-0
     ruby-3.1.2 - #generating startup-template-hanami-2-0 wrappers.............
  • Install the gems by running following command:

 <app_root>$ bundle
  • Create the databases for development and test environments. PostgreSQL is recommended as a DBMS. For e.g. for development env create a DB name hanami_startup_template_dev and for test env create a DB name hanami_startup_template_test.

    Note: The name used should be specified in the DATABASE_URL environment variable set. Refer Environment Variables section for more details regarding that environment variable.

  • Under <app_root> create .env and .env.test files. These are expected by dotenv gem which the application uses for managing environment variables.

  • In .env file set following env variables: SESSION_SECRET, DATABASE_URL. Example content:


    Note: For more details regarding the values for the env variables please refer the Environment Variables section above.

  • In .env.test file set following env variables: DATABASE_URL. Example content:

  • Create the relation tables in databases for development and test environments by running following commands:

    	<app_root>$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
      <app_root>$ HANAMI_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate

Running application

  1. Open a terminal and change directory to <app_root> and run following command:

    app_root$ hanami server

    That should start the server by default for development environment.

  2. Open a browser and add URL http://localhost:2300/ to the address bar and hit Enter and you see a home page stating following:

     Welcome to Startup Template for Hanami 2.0 application

Running Tests

Note: At the time of writing this there are no tests added.

General Guidelines For Development

  • All persistence relation classes should be defined under to lib/startup_template/persistence/relations

  • All repository classes should be defined under lib/startup_template/repositories

  • All models (or business-entities) should be defined under lib/startup_template/entities

  • All business-logic (or service-layer-logic) should be defined under lib/startup_template/business_transactions

  • Any custom dry-types should be to lib/startup_template/types.rb and those should be registered in lib/startup_template/type_container.rb. For more details on Custom Types Registration please refer

  • All action classes should be defined under app/actions/<resource_name>. For e.g. refer app/actions/doctors/index.rb.

  • All view classes should be defined under app/views/<resource_name>. For e.g. refer app/views/doctors/index.rb.

  • Every view class should extend from View::Base (app/view/base.rb). View::Base is the base class which gives access to request, session, flash, params (request params). Note: This base class should not be bloated with helpers meant for use in view templates. For that purpose Scope classes for views should be used.

  • A scope class should be defined for each view class and it should be configured in the view class using config.scope option. For e.g. refer app/views/doctors/scopes/index.rb and app/views/doctors/index.rb.

  • Every scope class should extend from View::Scope (app/view/scope.rb). View::Scope is the base class which includes common helpers (including hanami helpers) for use in view classes and/or view templates.

  • The view templates should be defined under app/templates/<resource_name>. For e.g. refer app/templates/doctors/index.html.haml.

  • All the helper code meant to be utilized by the view template should be defined in the scope class configured for the view class which renders the view template. For e.g. refer scope class app/views/doctors/scopes/index.rb configured for view class app/views/doctors/index.rb. That scope class contains all helper methods used in the view template app/templates/doctors/index.html.haml rendered by view class app/views/doctors/index.rb.

  • CSS and JS assets should be added to respective folders under app/assets. After adding them DO NOT FORGET to add their entries to the respective manifest file manifest.txt available under asset-type (CSS/JS) folder under app/assets.


Startup template for a web application based on Hanami 2.0






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