The goal of this website is to make Pyhon accessible to middle and high school students through a progression system.
Notable features:
- Email verification to save progress
- Interactive python shell
- Avatar customization
- Currency (tbd)
The backend is built using Django, and the frontend is built using React. They are connected via the Axios RESTful API.
The backend stores all user information by connecting to a MySQL database. Authentication is handled using Djoser and SimpleJWT, which provides JSON Web Token based authentication.
For styling and components, we used Tailwind CSS with FlowBite and MUI. The interactive Python shell was implemented via a third-party and embedded using a <iframe>
To set up the backend:
Set up a MySQL database. Modify DATABASES
in backend/backend/
to connect to that database with the correct user and password. Start the MySQL server.
Run the following commands:
cd backend
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 runserver
To set up the frontend:
Create a file .env
in frontend
with REACT_APP_API_URL = 'http://localhost:8000
. Then run the following:
cd frontend
npm install
npm run build
npm start
Arnold: Worked on the frontend, working on creating pages, avatar creation, and map creation.
Arvind: Worked on the frontend, particularly the Python shell
Jimmy: Worked on the frontend, particularly on the login page, signup page, forget password page, and the draft of the home page. Also worked on the backend mainly on authentication
Rajas: Worked on the frontend, particularly the home pages and styling