This is a showcase of interactive charts in shiny and Rmarkdown reports! Live shinyapp:
Note: this app used noteMD
R package (Repos: and nivopie
(Repos: R package (htmlwidget) from my Github!
Folded data structure:
- zoom in to monthly chart by either clicking bar or the dropdown menu from slidebar. Click "ALL" from dropdown selector to reset! When zooming in monthly chart, both bar chart and donut chart are zoom into monthly level.
Customize charts show/hide
- Users can check/uncheck to decide whether they want to show the donut chart!
Customize charts in reports
- Users can check/uncheck to decide whether they want to print the donut chart in reports or not.
Custmize note
- Users can take notes under charts and their notes will be printed in the reports.
Step 1:Download or clone the GitHub repo
Step 2:Replace the data (temp_flight2) with your own data in app.R. Code Ref:
Step 3:Replace the column name of the data that you want to show as input. For example, in my example, I am using the column “name” to showcase each airline company. Code Ref:
Step 4:Replace the expandable column name of your data that you want to show when user click each bar. For example, in my app, I am using the column “monthly” to showcase monthly data of user-selected airline. Code ref:
Extra customized feature: Here is to change the bar color:
Beef Cattle Institute from Kansas State University