Calculating trip time and distance using the r5r package
Code in this repository (2_run_OD_analysis.R) was prepared by Alan Both adapting earlier code prepared by Carl Higgs at (multimodal_od_analysis_example.Rmd) illustrating how r5r could be used for analysis in a JIBE sub-project led by Tayebeh Saghapour.
- Copy all files from the JIBE Sharepoint into this directory.
- Run 1_prep_data.R to process the origin and destination points. Note: this is currently hardcoded to Alan's sharepoint folder. THE OUTPUT OF THIS STEP CANNOT LEAVE THE PROTECTED SHAREPOINT.
- Run 2_run_OD_analysis.R to calculate the trip time and distance using r5r. PT_walk and PT_drive take a long time to process, so we save outputs in chunks of 100 trips. These are all merged at the end of this step.