This executable test suite is for version 2.0 of the OGC Web Processing Service (WPS) standard.
Visit the project documentation website for more information, including the API documentation.
The test suite is built using Apache Maven v3.
Step 1. First clone the repo.
Step 2. Then navigate into the local repo.
cd ets-wps20
Step 3. Now clean the project.
mvn clean
Step 4. Now build the project.
mvn package
On some operating systems, when building the ETS under Java 11+ for the first time, it may be necessary to run mvn package twice.
Running mvn package will automatically update the jar file ets-wps20-x.x-SNAPSHOT.jar in the /ets-wps20/docker/teamengine/WEB-INF/lib . To disable this function, modify maven-antrun-plugin in the pom.xml file.
The options for running the suite are summarized in
After running mvn package
Navigate to the docker folder.
cd /docker
Build the docker image.
`docker build -t wps20:local . `
Run the docker image.
docker run -p 9090:8080/tcp wps20:local
Now visit http://localhost:9090/teamengine
Log into teamengine with username developer and password developer.
If you would like to get involved, you can:
Report an issue such as a defect or an enhancement request
Help to resolve an open issue
Fix a bug: Fork the repository, apply the fix, and create a pull request
Add new tests: Fork the repository, implement and verify the tests on a new topic branch, and create a pull request (don’t forget to periodically rebase long-lived branches so there are no extraneous conflicts)