This page contains links to various resources that are relevant for the CMS Endcap Muon Track Finder (EMTF) — the L1 trigger for muons in the forward region (1.24 < |η| < 2.4).
📖 Quick Start |
For an introduction to the EMTF system, please check out the following:
For an introduction to the L1 online software, please check out the following:
For an introduction to the Trigger & DAQ systems in CMS, please check out the following:
- Wikis
- Code Repositories
- Issue Tracking
- Web Monitoring Tools
- Meetings and News
- Documents
- Lectures, Courses and Tutorials
- Workshops and Other Events
- Figures
EMTFAnalyzer - EMTF Analyzer Tools and Coordination
EndcapMuonTrigger - Endcap Muon Level 1 Trigger LS1 upgrade page
Contains MTF7 & EMTF documentation and source codes.
L1CSCTrackFinder - L1 CSC Track-Finder
Contains CSCTF documentation and source codes. Note that CSCTF has been superseded by EMTF.
L1CSCTriggerPrimitives - L1 CSC Trigger Primitives
Contains CSC trigger primitive documentation.
SWGuideL1TOfflineDev - L1T Offline Development Planning Page
Provides instructions for developing L1 Trigger emulator code, in particular the L1T NTuple code.
SWGuideL1TStage2Instructions - L1 Trigger Emulator Stage 2 Upgrade Instructions
Provides instructions for running L1 Trigger emulator, in particular the L1T NTuples.
SWGuideL1TPhase2Instructions - L1 Trigger Emulator Phase-2 Upgrade Instructions
Provides instructions for running L1 Trigger emulator for Phase-2 Upgrade.
L1Trigger - Level-1 Trigger
- L1TriggerDPGResults - Level-1 Trigger Public Performance Results
- L1TriggerPhase1 - Phase 1 L1 Trigger Upgrades
- L1TriggerPhase2 - Phase-2 L1 Trigger Upgrade
- HowToL1TriggerMenu - L1 Trigger Menu studies for Phase-I
TriggerStudies - Trigger Studies Group (a.k.a. HLT)
- SWGuideGlobalHLT - Combining all groups of HLT triggers in a Global Table
- HighLevelTriggerPhase2 - Phase-2 High Level Trigger Upgrade
- TriggerStudiesTalks - Talks and posters about the CMS High Level Trigger
MuonWikiHome - CMS Muon Wiki Pages
- MuonDPGOffice - Muon DPG Office
- MuonDT - Muon DT
- MuonCSC - Muon CSC
- CSCDPGGeometry - CSC Geometry
- CSCDPGFigures - CSC-related figures and diagrams
- RPComm - Muon RPC
- MuonGEM - Muon GEM
- GEMCSCIntegratedLocalTrigger - GEM Trigger Road Map
Specific for Run 2:
- L1TriggerPhaseIDiagrams - Level-1 Trigger Phase I Upgrade Diagrams
- L1KnownIssues - L1T known issues in 2016 to 2018
- CSCOTMB2018 - CSC OTMB and relevant configuration tests in autumn 2018
Describes the modified CSC LCT algorithm versions tested in data in 2018.
Specific for Run 3:
- CscLctGemEmtfRun3 - Coordination of CSC LCT + GEM with EMTF for Run 3
Describes the studies related to GEM TPs in the EMTF (no longer updated).
- GEMCSCTriggerTaskForceRun3 - GEM CSC Trigger Task Force Run-3
Describes the studies related to GEM & CSC TPs for Run-3.
- CscLctGemEmtfRun3 - Coordination of CSC LCT + GEM with EMTF for Run 3
Specific for Phase 2:
- CMSMuonLocalTriggerPhase2 - CMS Muon Local Trigger for HL-LHC
- CMS CSC Level-1 Track Finder Home Page
- Darin Acosta's CSC Track-Finder webpage
- UCLA CSC Trigger webpage
- TriDAS Muon Trigger Home Page
EMTFOnCallExpert - L1 EMTF Expert Page
Contains info for the EMTF on-call shifters, but has lots of other info, including a list of other EMTF pages.
EMTFSwatchControlSoftware - EMTF SWATCH Control Software
Contains instructions for the EMTF SWATCH software.
OnlineWBTrigger - CMS Trigger Online Workbook
ClusterUsersGuide - .CMS Cluster user's guide
- SWATCH's documentation
- DataFormats/L1TMuon - EMTF data formats
- L1Trigger/L1TMuonEndCap - EMTF emulator
- EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi - EMTF DAQ
- DQM/L1TMonitor - EMTF DQM
- L1TriggerConfig/L1TConfigProducers - EMTF O2O
- core/ts - Trigger Supervisor
- core/swatch - SWATCH
- projects/emtf - EMTF SWATCH cell
- CMSL1TOPS - CMS Level-1 Trigger Operations
- CMSL1TDPG - CMS Level-1 Trigger DPG
- CMSONS - CMS Online Networks and Systems
- EMTF IPMITools Monitor
- OMS - CMS Online Monitoring System
- WBM - CMS Web-Based Monitoring (obsolete)
- DQM/Online - CMS Online DQM
- DQM/Offline - CMS Offline DQM
- DQM/RelVal - CMS RelVal DQM
- Elog - CMS Online Elog
- DAQ - CMS Online DAQ
- L1Page - L1 Page
- L1CE - L1 Configuration Editor
- EMTF Working Meeting
- CSC Weekly Meeting
- GEM-CSC Trigger Task Force Meeting
- Level-1 Trigger Weekly Meeting
- Level-1 Muon DPG meeting
- L1T Operations
- L1T Offline SW Meeting
- Phase-2 L1T Muon Subsystem Group Meeting
- L1Trigger - L1 Trigger
- L1TriggerSW - L1 Trigger Software
- L1TriggerUpgrades - L1 Trigger Upgrades
- commissioning - Commissioning
- csctf-working-meeting - CSCTF working group
- cms-l1t-emulator-muons - Experts of muons L1 trigger emulator (EMTF,OMTF,BMTF,uGMT)
- cms-l1t-emulator-muons-endcap - L1T endcap muon trigger (EMTF) algorithms and software
- cms-l1t-csc-lct-gem-run3 - Coordination of LCT and GEM trigger primitive developments
- cms-l1p2-muon-algo - E-group for Phase-2 L1 muon algorithms
- cms-gem-csc-trigger-taskforce - GEM-CSC trigger task force
- cms-l1t-muon-dpg - L1T Muon DPG: Phase-1 and Phase-2
- cms-emtf - CMS EMTF
- CMS Collaboration, The CMS muon project : Technical Design Report, CERN-LHCC-97-032, CMS-TDR-3. (1997)
- CMS Collaboration, CMS TriDAS project : Technical Design Report, Volume 1: The Trigger Systems, CERN-LHCC-2000-038, CMS-TDR-6-1. (2000)
- CMS Collaboration, CMS The TriDAS Project : Technical Design Report, Volume 2: Data Acquisition and High-Level Trigger, CERN-LHCC-2002-026, CMS-TDR-6. (2002)
- CMS Collaboration, CMS Physics : Technical Design Report Volume 1: Detector Performance and Software, CERN-LHCC-2006-001, CMS-TDR-8-1. (2006)
- CMS Collaboration, CMS Physics : Technical Design Report Volume 2: Physics Performance, CERN-LHCC-2006-021, CMS-TDR-8-2. (2007)
- CMS Collaboration, Technical proposal for the upgrade of the CMS detector through 2020, CERN-LHCC-2011-006, LHCC-P-004. (2011)
- CMS Collaboration, CMS Technical Design Report for the Level-1 Trigger Upgrade, CERN-LHCC-2013-011, CMS-TDR-12. (2013)
- Note: For CMS L1 trigger, the Phase-1 upgrade would happen during Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) in 2013-14. For the rest of CMS, the Phase-1 upgrade would typically happen during Long Shutdown 2 (LS2) in 2019-2020.
- CMS Collaboration, CMS Technical Design Report for the Muon Endcap GEM Upgrade, CERN-LHCC-2015-012, CMS-TDR-013. (2015)
- CMS Collaboration, Technical Proposal for the Phase-II Upgrade of the CMS Detector, CERN-LHCC-2015-010, LHCC-P-008, CMS-TDR-15-02. (2015)
- CMS Collaboration, CMS Phase II Upgrade Scope Document, CERN-LHCC-2015-019, LHCC-G-165. (2015)
- CMS Collaboration, The Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Tracker, CERN-LHCC-2017-009, CMS-TDR-014. (2017)
- CMS Collaboration, The Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Muon Detectors, CERN-LHCC-2017-012, CMS-TDR-016. (2017)
- CMS Collaboration, The Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS L1 Trigger Interim Technical Design Report, CERN-LHCC-2017-013, CMS-TDR-017. (2017)
- CMS Collaboration, The Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS DAQ Interim Technical Design Report, CERN-LHCC-2017-014, CMS-TDR-018. (2017)
- CMS Collaboration, The Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Level-1 Trigger, CERN-LHCC-2020-004, CMS-TDR-021. (2020)
- M.M. Baarmand et al., Spatial resolution attainable with cathode strip chambers at the trigger level, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 425 (1999) 92-105. (1999)
- D. Acosta et al., Development and test of a prototype regional track-finder for the Level-1 trigger of the cathode strip chamber muon system of CMS, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 496 (2003) 64-82. (2003)
- D. Acosta et al., Efficiency of finding muon track trigger primitives in CMS cathode strip chambers, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 592 (2008) 26-37. (2007)
- A. Drozdetskiy et al., Fast algorithm for track segment and hit reconstruction in the CMS cathode strip chambers, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 589 (2008) 383-397. (2007)
- CMS Collaboration, The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC, JINST 3 (2008) S08004. (2008)
- CMS Collaboration, Performance of the CMS Level-1 trigger during commissioning with cosmic ray muons and LHC beams, CMS-CFT-09-013. (2009)
- CMS Collaboration, Performance of CMS muon reconstruction in pp collision events at √s = 7 TeV, CERN-PH-EP-2012-173, CMS-MUO-10-004. (2012)
- CMS Collaboration, The performance of the CMS muon detector in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV at the LHC, CERN-PH-EP-2013-072, CMS-MUO-11-001. (2013)
- CMS Collaboration, The CMS trigger system, CERN-EP-2016-160, CMS-TRG-12-001. (2016)
- CMS Collaboration, Performance of the CMS muon detector and muon reconstruction with proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV, CMS-MUO-16-001, CERN-EP-2018-058. (2018)
- CMS Collaboration, Performance of the reconstruction and identification of high-momentum muons in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV, CMS-MUO-17-001, CERN-EP-2019-238. (2019)
- CMS Collaboration, Performance of the CMS Level-1 trigger in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV, CMS-TRG-17-001, CERN-EP-2020-065. (2020)
- CMS Collaboration, Performance of the CMS muon trigger system in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV, CMS-MUO-19-001, CERN-EP-2021-013. (2021)
- D. Acosta et al., Large CMS cathode strip chambers: Design and performance, INSTR99, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 453 (2000) 182-187. (2000)
- S.M. Wang et al., A prototype track-finding processor for the level-1 trigger of the CMS endcap muon system, DPF 2000. (2001)
- A. Madorsky et al., The Track-Finding Processor for the Level-1 Trigger of the CMS Endcap Muon System, LEB2001. (2001)
- B. Scurlock et al., A 3-D Track-Finding Processor for the CMS Level-1 Muon Trigger, CHEP2003. (2003)
- J. Hauser et al., Experience with Trigger Electronics for the Cathode Strip Chamber System of CMS, LECC2004. (2004)
- A. Madorsky et al., Performance of a Pre-Production Track-Finding Processor for the Level-1 Trigger of the CMS Endcap Muon System, LECC2004. (2004)
- A. Madorsky and D. Acosta, VPP - a Verilog HDL simulation and generation library for C++, 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. (2007)
- A. Madorsky et al., Design Considerations for an Upgraded Track-Finding Processor in the Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger of CMS for SLHC Operations, TWEPP09, CMS-CR-2009-316. (2009)
- M. Matveev and P. Padley, Upgrade of the CSC endcap muon port card at CMS, TWEPP10. (2010)
- J. Brooke, Performance of the CMS Level-1 Trigger, ICHEP2012, CMS-CR-2012-322. (2012)
- P. Klabbers, Operation and performance of the CMS Level-1 Trigger during 7 TeV Collisions, TIPP2011. (2012)
- A. Madorsky et al., The CMS Modular Track Finder Boards, MTF6 and MTF7, TWEPP13, CMS-CR-2013-383. (2013)
- M. Matveev et al., Upgrade of the Muon Sorter in the Cathode Strip Chamber Level 1 Trigger System at CMS, TWEPP13. (2013)
- M. Jeitler et al., Upgrade of the Global Muon Trigger for the CMS experiment, TWEPP13. (2013)
- P. Bortignon, Design and performance of the upgrade of the CMS L1 muon trigger, 13th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, CMS-CR-2015-125. (2015)
- M. Matveev, Commissioning of the Upgraded CSC Endcap Muon Port Cards at CMS, TWEPP15, CMS-CR-2015-273. (2015)
- N. Loukas et al., The CMS Level-1 Trigger Barrel Track Finder, TWEPP15, CMS-CR-2015-304. (2015)
- D. Rabady et al., Upgrade of the CMS muon trigger system in the barrel region, VCI2016, CMS-CR-2016-038. (2016)
- N.P. Ghanathe et al., Software and Firmware co-development using High-level Synthesis, TWEPP16, CMS-CR-2016-287. (2016)
- J. Fulcher et al., The New Global Muon Trigger of the CMS Experiment, RT2016. (2016)
- S. Bologna et al., SWATCH: Common software for controlling and monitoring the upgraded level-1 trigger of the CMS experiment, RT2016, CMS-CR-2016-121. (2016)
- C. Lazaridis et al., SWATCH Common software for controlling and monitoring the upgraded CMS Level-1 trigger, CHEP2016, CMS-CR-2017-041. (2017)
- A. Madorsky et al., Electronics for CMS Endcap Muon Level-1 Trigger System Phase-1 and HL LHC Upgrades Summary, INSTR17, CMS-CR-2017-132. (2017)
- A. Carnes et al., Boosted Decision Trees in the Level-1 Muon Endcap Trigger at CMS, ACAT2017, CMS-CR-2017-357. (2017)
- J.F. Low et al., Boosted Decision Trees in the CMS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger, TWEPP17, CMS-CR-2017-361. (2017)
- G. Karathanasis et al., Upgrade of the CMS Barrel Muon Track Finder for HL-LHC featuring a Kalman Filter algorithm and an ATCA Host Processor with Ultrascale+ FPGAs, TWEPP18, CMS-CR-2018-294. (2019)
- C. Freer, CMS trigger in Phase-2, LHCP2019. (2019)
- A. Tapper, System Design and Prototyping for the CMS Level-1 Trigger at the High-Luminosity LHC, RT2020. (2020)
- CMS Collaboration, Efficiency of the CMS level 1 muon trigger system in 2011 and 2012, CMS-DP-2012-019. (2012)
- CMS Collaboration, Single Muon efficiencies in 2012 Data, CMS-DP-2013-009. (2013)
- CMS Collaboration, Performance of the CMS Muon Detectors in early 2016 collision runs, CMS-DP-2016-023. (2016)
- CMS Collaboration, Pre-LHCP 2016 L1 muon trigger performance, CMS-DP-2016-024. (2016)
- CMS Collaboration, Performance of the CMS Muon Detectors in 2016 collision runs, CMS-DP-2016-046. (2016)
- CMS Collaboration, L1 muon trigger performance - ICHEP16 dataset, CMS-DP-2016-050. (2016)
- CMS Collaboration, Performance of the CMS TwinMux Algorithm in late 2016 pp collision runs, CMS-DP-2016-074. (2016)
- CMS Collaboration, Level-1 muon trigger performance in 2017 data and comparison with the legacy muon trigger system, CMS-DP-2017-041. (2017)
- CMS Collaboration, Level-1 muon trigger performance with the full 2017 dataset, CMS-DP-2018-008. (2018)
- CMS Collaboration, Level-1 Muon Trigger Performance (with part of 2018 dataset), CMS-DP-2018-044. (2018)
- CMS Collaboration, Performance of CMS muon detectors in 2018 Collision Runs, CMS-DP-2018-047. (2018)
- C. Campagnari et al., Muon Identification in CMS, CMS-AN-2008-098. (2008-11-04)
- G. Abbiendi et al., Muon Reconstruction in the CMS Detector, CMS-AN-2008-097. (2009-07-08)
- J. Hauser et al., CMS Endcap Muon Trigger System Inter-Module Signals. (2001-01-18)
- J. Hauser et al., CSC Strip, Wire, Chamber, and Electronics Conventions, CMS-IN-2007-024. (2008-08-06)
See also:
See also:
- G. Wrochna et al., CMS Endcap Muon RPC - CSC Trigger Connection. Specification Proposal, CMS-IN-1998-030. (1998-12-14)
- G.M. Dallavalle et al., Issues Related to the Separation of the Barrel and Endcap Muon Trigger Track-Finders, CMS-IN-1999-015. (1999-04-26)
- D. Acosta, S.M. Wang, and G. Wrochna, Muon Trigger Sectors and CSC Layout, CMS-IN-1999-022. (1999-05-31)
- D. Acosta et al., The Track-Finding Processor for the Level-1 Trigger of the CMS Endcap Muon System, CMS-NOTE-1999-060. (1999-12-08)
- S.M. Wang and D. Acosta, Simulation Studies on the Transverse Momentum Resolution of the CSC Track-Finder, CMS-IN-2000-026. (2000-04-05)
- D. Acosta, M. Stoutimore, and S.M. Wang, Simulated Performance of the CSC Track-Finder, CMS-NOTE-2001-033. (2001-06-21)
- D. Acosta et al., Specification of the Interface between the DT and CSC Level-1 Track-Finders, CMS-IN-2002-040. (2002-06-11)
- D. Acosta et al., The CSC Beam Halo Muon Trigger in CMS, CMS-IN-2008-041. (2008-10-23)
See also:
- M. Carver, Description of Upgraded CSCTF Algorithm. (2014-03-10)
- A. Madorsky, CMS Endcap Muon Track Finder Spy Memory Data Format. (2014-12-04)
- A. Madorsky, CMS Endcap Muon Track Finder Control interface specifications. (2014-12-04)
- A. Madorsky, Modular Track Finder. (2015-02-05)
- A. Madorsky, CMS Endcap Muon Track Finder firmware algorithm description. (2015-06-29)
- A. Madorsky, EMTF PT LUT address formation. (2016-08-11)
- M. Carver, The Upgraded Endcap Muon Trackfinder of CMS. (2016-08-12)
- EMTF_Algorithm.pdf
- Note: This is the draft version of the description of the EMTF algorithm included as part of M. Carver's PhD dissertation.
- A. Madorsky, EMTF track address format for uGMT output. (2017-03-16)
- A. Madorsky, CPPF to EMTF data format. (2017-03-17)
- A. Brinkerhoff and A. Madorsky, EMTF PT LUT address formation (ver 2017). (2019-02-26)
- A. Madorsky, CMS Muon Endcap Track Finder DAQ readout format. (2020-05-21)
See also:
- E. Hazen, AMC13 DAQ Facilities. (2015-09-30)
- UCLA High Energy Physics, TMB 2005 Design. (2010-07-15)
- Rice University, Spartan-6 Muon Port Card Mezzanine for the CSC Upgrade. (2018-05-05)
- D. Rabady et al., Interface between the Muon Track Finders and the micro-Global Muon Trigger in the Upgraded CMS Trigger for 2016, CMS-DN-2015-017. (2016-02-05)
See also:
- H. Bergauer et al., Scales for inputs to uGT, CMS-DN-2014-029. (2016-05-30)
Note: This is a catch-all category for documents that do not really fall into the above categories (such as slides).
- Unknown author, Table of CSC chamber parameters. (2001-05-17)
- A. Brinkerhoff, The EMTF algorithm. (2016-08-19)
- M. Carver, EMTF Emulator Flow Chart. (2016-08-23)
- A. Brinkerhoff, The EMTF track-building algorithm. (2017-06-01)
- A. Brinkerhoff, Plan for EMTF track-building modifications: startup 2018. (2018-03-29)
- A. Brinkerhoff, EMTF detector geometry. (2017-07-19)
- J.F. Low, EMTF++ description. (2018-11-21)
- A. Madorsky, Mapping between SWATCH link labels and CSC chambers. (2019-04-25)
- J.F. Low, EMTF++: Phase-2 L1 endcap muon trigger. (2020-06-23)
- Various contributors, Muon algorithm TDR figures. (2020)
- S. Dildick et al., Improving the performance of the CLCT pattern finder in CSCs using lookup-tables. (2020)
- S. Dildick et al., Trigger data formats for the CSC and GEM systems for Run-3. (2020)
- S. Dildick et al., Triggering on Long-Lived Particles decaying to hadronic showers in muon system. (2020)
- J. L. Holgado et al., Analytical Method for DT Trigger Primitive Generation in HL-LHC. (2020)
- N. Ellis, Trigger and data acquisition, arXiv:1010.2942 [physics.ins-det]. (2010-10-14)
- L1 Trigger SWATCH tutorial by Tom Williams. (2015-08-06)
- CSC-101 for newcomers. (2016-05-30 → 2016-06-01)
- L1CE quick start guide by Giuseppe & Glenn. (2017)
- L1 Trigger Shifter Tutorial. (2017-10-04)
- Tutorial: Level-1 Seed Development. (2017-11-02)
- L1 Trigger Shifter Tutorial. (2018-01-22)
- DAQ Shifter Tutorial. (2018-03-01)
- Introduction to EMTF (2018). (2018-06-22)
- CMS Data Analysis School at Fermilab LPC 2019. (2019-01-14 → 2019-01-18)
- CMS Induction Course (Jan 2019). (2019-01-30 → 2019-02-01)
- Darin Acosta's lectures on Trigger/DAQ (SERB School). (2019-01-31)
- Level-1 Trigger Operations monitoring & alerting hackathon. (2019-03-08)
- CMS Induction Course (Jun 2019). (2019-06-19 → 2019-06-21)
- Introduction to EMTF (2019). (2019-06-24)
- Level 1 Trigger and High Level Trigger tutorial. (2019-10-07 → 2019-10-08)
- CMS Data Analysis School at Fermilab LPC 2020. (2020-01-13 → 2020-01-17)
- 9th CMS Induction Course. (2020-01-29 → 2020-01-31)
- 10th CMS Induction Course. (2020-06-10 → 2020-06-12)
- 11th CMS Induction Course. (2021-03-10 → 2021-03-12)
- Level 1 Trigger Tutorial. (2021-07-23)
- 12th CMS Induction Course. (2021-09-20 → 2021-09-22)
- US CMS Phase 2 Trigger Workshop. (2016-06-01 → 2016-06-02)
- Phase-2 Level-1 Upgrade Workshop Part 1, Part 2. (2016-06-23 → 2016-06-24)
- CMS Trigger Workshop at Budapest. (2016-11-02 → 2016-11-04)
- Phase 2 L1 Trigger Workshop (Dec 2016). (2016-12-06 → 2016-12-07)
- CMS Trigger Workshop at Bristol. (2017-02-22 → 2017-02-24)
- Phase-2 L1 Muon Trigger Design Part 1, Part 2. (2017-03-08 & 2017-03-15)
- Muon Upgrade Workshop (Mar 2017). (2017-03-21 → 2017-03-23)
- Phase 2 L1 Trigger Workshop (Apr 2017). (2017-04-26 → 2017-04-28)
- Phase 2 L1 Trigger Workshop (May 2017). (2017-05-22 → 2017-05-24)
- Muon Upgrade Workshop (Jun 2017)). (2017-06-14 → 2017-06-16)
- Second Muon Phase-2 Comprehensive Review. (2017-06-27 → 2017-06-28)
- US CMS Phase 2 Trigger Workshop. (2017-08-28 → 2017-08-29)
- CMS Trigger Workshop at Belgrade. (2017-12-11 → 2017-12-14)
- Triggering on New Physics at the High Luminosity LHC. (2018-01-15 → 2018-01-17)
- CMS GEM/CSC Forward Muon Upgrade Workshop. (2018-04-08 → 2018-04-11)
- ACES 2018 - Sixth Common ATLAS CMS Electronics Workshop for LHC Upgrades. (2018-04-24 → 2018-04-26)
- L1T Phase 2 Upgrade Workshop (Jun 2018). (2018-06-12 → 2018-06-15)
- Muon Upgrade Workshop (Sep 2018). (2018-09-11 → 2018-09-13)
- Annual Review - MUONS. (2018-09-24)
- Annual Review - TDAQ. (2018-11-13)
- Joint P2 Muon Upgrade + P2 L1 Muon Algorithms workshop. (2018-11-28 → 2018-11-30)
- Level-1 Trigger Operations + DPG: LS2 Kick-Off. (2019-02-13 → 2019-02-15)
- Muon Review of LS2 plans and preparation for run3 data-taking. (2019-02-21 → 2019-02-22)
- Level-1 Trigger Algorithms Workshop at CIEMAT (Madrid). (2019-03-25 → 2019-03-28)
- ISOTDAQ 2019 - International School of Trigger and Data AcQuisition. (2019-04-03 → 2019-04-12)
- Level-1 Trigger Phase 2 Upgrade Technical Design Workshop. (2019-06-19 → 2019-06-21)
- Fast Machine Learning IRIS-HEP Blueprint Workshop. (2019-09-10 → 2019-09-13)
- CMS GEM Workshop 24. (2019-09-29 → 2019-10-04)
- Muon P2UG Review: Slide Drafts. (2019-11-11)
- Muon Annual Review. (2019-10-15)
- Annual Review - TDAQ. (2019-12-04)
- ISOTDAQ 2020 - International School of Trigger and Data AcQuisition. (2020-01-13 → 2020-01-22)
- L1 Phase 2 Upgrade TDR Review Part 1, Part 2. (2020-05-06 → 2020-05-07)
- ACES 2020 - Seventh Common ATLAS CMS Electronics Workshop for LHC Upgrades. (2020-05-26 → 2020-05-28)
- LHCC & UCG Review of CMS L1Trigger. (2020-06-03)
- CMS GEM Workshop 28. (2020-06-10 → 2020-06-12)
- Muon Annual Review. (2020-10-15)
- Annual Review - L1T. (2021-04-08)
- P2UG Review. (2021-05-11)
- CMS Run Coordination and DPG Workshop. (2021-06-28 → 2021-06-30)
- Annual Review - Muon. (2021-09-27)
- Trigger Review. (2021-11-30 → 2021-12-03)
- Level-1 Trigger Workshop @ CERN. (2022-04-27 → 2022-04-30)
- Annual Review - L1-Trigger. (2022-05-03)
Run 2 muon geometry |
Phase-2 muon geometry |
EMTF crates | EMTF crates |
MTF7 schematic | |
MTF7 optical module | MTF7 core logic module |
MTF7 core logic module | MTF7 core logic module |
CSC trigger sectors | CSC chambers | RPC sectors |
RPC sectors | CSC single sector | RPC single sector |
RPC single sector | CSC front/rear | RPC-CPPF-EMTF mapping |
Neighbor sharing |
CSC stations & chambers | |
CSC trigger electronics | |
Legacy L1 muon trigger system during Run 1 | Phase-1 L1 trigger system during Run 2 |
Phase-2 muon barrel TP architecture | Phase-2 muon endcap TP architecture |
This page was originally inspired by the HEPML Resources repo.