This code is written to launch a ros node with the urdf robot description as a parameter. It is based on this tutorial:
It provides launch files to bringup with the robot with a controller using the ros_control package.
This code is written to launch a ros node with the urdf robot description as a parameter.
See also:
It provides launch files to bringup with the robot with a controller using the ros_control package.
- Create a ros2 workspace with the src code inside
- Run the following in the workspace:
colcon build --packages-select dvrk_model
# don't forget to source after first compilation
source install/setup.bash
# launch script with robot state publisher and our python script to animate the Omni
ros2 launch dvrk_mode
# to visualize the Omni in rviz...
rviz2 -d ~/<workspace_name>/install/dvrk_model/share/dvrk_model/dvrk.rviz # to launch rviz with the omni frames
xacro is not installed by default on ROS 2 (at least with Galactic):
sudo apt install ros-galactic-xacro