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Actual Coding implemented

James Matthews edited this page Aug 14, 2014 · 2 revisions

Coding carried out on Python

Coding implemented and merged into main code

  • incorporation of He atomic data * tests against tardis reveal level population solver working correctly * correction of topbase lines

  • improved topbase XSections by extrapolating to higher energies * tests against AtomDB
    * topbase include inner shell edges which are important in photoionization of e.g. CIV

  • Fixed Multiple bugs which created incorrect emission characteristics from macro atoms * the main problem involved

  • Case A and B verifications of level emissivity calculations

  • Compton heating and cooling included in macro atom mode

  • Implementing adiabatic cooling as a kpkt destruction choice

  • Normalise the rejection method in thermal trapping anisotropic scattering

  • Only clean for population inversions if levels have a radiative transition between them

  • Creation of new stellar atmosphere grid * involved plenty of testing of Kurucz and Hubeny grids

Partially implemented coding:

  • Superlevels
  • Collisions between radiatively forbidden transitions

Future coding:

  • reflection from the accretion disk
  • partial covering cells