This repository contains free videos, articles, support links and other relevant materials for preparation of System Design Technical Interview. I will be adding more resources soon. Feel free to contribute relevant topics/articles which may be missing.
Cracking interviews of technical companies like amazon, uber, etc. require a strong understanding of topics like data structures, algorithms, DBMS, OS and Networking. It has been noticed that more and more companies are inclining towards taking a separate System Design interview, especially for SDE roles. Since the resources for System Design preparation are either paid or scattered, here is a compilation of topics that one may go through for their preparation.
One must revise basics of DBMS, OS and networking before moving to designing systems. Some resources are shared below.
Computer Networks
System Design Introduction
Importance of Scalibility
Scaling Databases
Load Balancing and Consistent Hashing
Message Queues
Designing APIs
Distributed Systems
Medium Articles
Example System Design Questions
Tips to System Design Interview