Super Useless C Compiler
- Multi-pass compiler
- Growing support for C language features
- Compiles C to x86-64 assembly
- Robust error handling system, with pretty printed error messages
- Basic type checking, supports
Unit tests are in this repo's test directory
Functional tests are in their own repo
Integer literals
- Return statements (return 1)
Unary operators
- Sign (-, +)
- Logical (!)
- Bitwise (~)
- Prefix (++, --)
- Postfix (++, --)
Binary operators
- Additive (+, -)
- Multiplicative (*, /, %)
- Equality (==, !=)
- Relational (>, <, >=, <=)
- Logical (&&, ||)
- Bitwise (^, <<, >>, &, |)
- Assignment (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ^=, |=, &=, <<=, >>=)
Local variables
- Declaration (int a)
- Assignment (a = 10)
- Declaration and assignment (int a = 10)
- if
- else
- conditional expressions (a = 1 ? 2 : 3)
- for
- while
- do while
- break
- continue
Multiple functions
- Function calls
- Function declarations
- Function definitions
- Passing parameters using x86-64 calling convention
Global variables
- Declaration
- Definition
- Initialized in .data
- Uninitialized in .bss
- Declared and defined locally or globally
- Pointing to local or global variables
- Passing as arguments
- Pass without assignment using '&'
Rudimentary Type Checking
- int vs. int*
- Check sides of assignments match
- Compare parameters to arguments
- Check function declaration against return values
Nora Sandler, who broke down compilers in a practical way.
Bartosz Milewski, who gave me a glimpse into how this might be done in Haskell.