RESTful API for casting on multimedia bulletin boards using Chromecast
This project is under CoE 198 course of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute in the University of the Philippines, Diliman
Retrieving Queues
Sample: {action : getVideoQueue}
Adding media entries to queue
{action : 'addVideo', videoID : 'Xc84e4', deadline : ISODate}
{action : 'addImage', imageUrl : 'https://www/', deadline : ISODate}
{action : 'addText', customText : 'Hi! How are you?', deadline : ISODate}
Deleting media entries from queue
{action : 'deleteVideo', id : '4098329043hfiugh345'}
{action : 'deleteImage', id : '4098329043hfiugh345'}
{action : 'deleteText', id : '4098329043hfiugh345'}
Updating media entries from queue
{action : 'changeVideoDeadline', id : '4098329043hfiugh345', new_deadline: ISODate}
{action : 'changeImageDeadline', id : '4098329043hfiugh345', new_deadline: ISODate}
{action : 'changeTextDeadline', id : '4098329043hfiugh345', new_deadline: ISODate}
{action : 'changeVideoContent', id : '4098329043hfiugh345', new_videoID: 'vxcv234'}
{action : 'changeImageContent', id : '4098329043hfiugh345', new_imageUrl: 'https://www/'}
{action : 'changeTextContent', id : '4098329043hfiugh345', new_customText: 'I am fine!'}