Simple Kubernetes backups.
This Operator is designed to provide simple backups of PVCs in StorageClasses that implement snapshotting. It works by snapshotting selected PVCs, mounting those snapshots in a job container, and backing them up to a restic repository.
Please don't use this, it's really not that well tested or built, and definitely isn't finished.
BackupSchedule - Defines what will get backed up (via a list of field and label selectors known as plans), when (via an interval scheduling syntax), and where to (via a secret reference describing the destination Restic repo). Also may configure common cleanup tasks for the Restic repository, such as pruning and checking (Not implemented). Settings of the first matching plan will be used for PVCs in multiple plans.
BackupSet - Defines a set of BackupJobs which are grouped together in a single run of a BackupSchedule. Currently it's not possible to create a BackupSet manually.
BackupJob - Defines a specific workload or PVC to be backed up. Normally created by a BackupSchedule, but may also be created manually to create a snapshot of a workload or PVC.
Not currently implemented. This is future state, annotations will be available to help customize how to backup a workload.
For workloads:
- - Command will be run in the container(s) before starting snapshot
- - Command will be run in the container(s) after snapshot has finished
- - Command will be run within a container, and by default the stdout of the command will be
Install operator
cargo run --bin crdgen | kubectl apply -f - kubectl create namespace walle helm upgrade -n walle --install walle ./helm/charts/walle -f example/values.yml
Create secret describing Restic repository
# See restic docs for details on available environment variables # kubectl create secret generic -n walle restic-repo \ --from-literal INITIALIZE_REPO=yes \ --from-literal RESTIC_PASSWORD=averysecurepassword \ --from-literal RESTIC_REST_USERNAME=user \ --from-literal RESTIC_REST_PASSWORD=pass
Create a BackupSchedule
cat <<'EOF' | k apply -f - --- apiVersion: kind: BackupSchedule metadata: name: example-schedule spec: interval: 6h plans: - type: pod repository: name: restic-repo namespace: walle EOF
Right now restoring backups is a manual process. Likely there'll never be a restore job type CRD, but instead a CLI command run from an administrator's workstation which will restore files to PVs in a cluster.
Here is an example of a manual restoration:
Ensure no reconciliation loop is running on workload being restored, then delete any pods utilizing PVC to be restored
Create new pod which mounts PVC
apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: restic-restore namespace: <NAMESPACE> spec: containers: - name: postgres image: debian:stable-slim command: [sleep, infinity] volumeMounts: - mountPath: /data name: restore volumes: - name: restore persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: <PVC NAME TO RESTORE TO>
Mount Restic backups, this'll allow ownership and permissions to kept
mkdir tmp resticprofile <PROFILE>.mount --tag <PVC NAME> tmp/
Finally restore!
tar -C tmp/tags/<PVC NAME>/latest -cf - . | pv | kubectl exec -i -n <NAMESPACE> restic-restore -- tar -C /data -xf -
docker build -f worker/Dockerfile . -t
docker build . -t
minikube start --addons volumesnapshots,csi-hostpath-driver
kubectl patch storageclass csi-hostpath-sc -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'
k get crd | grep | awk '{print $1}' | xargs k delete crd
cargo run --bin crdgen | k apply -f -
k apply -f example/workload.yml
k create secret generic restic-rest-config --from-env-file=example/restic-secret.env
RUST_LOG=info,walle=debug APP_CONFIG=example/config.yml cargo run # Or with Helm
k apply -f example/backup-job.yml
# Or
k apply -f example/backup-schedule.yml