The project looks like a daily reminding, which helps me recall something sentences I ever read
I am very proud of developing this application using Laravel.
- Larevel framework 8.^
- Livewire 2.0
- Tailwind 2.0
I am lasy to bulid a Nginx sever for running my Laravel application,therefore,just run the application with the Artisan Command on the terminal:
//then service started
php artisan serve
next,it needs to run the command for email queue :
php artisan queue:work --queue=emails
The email queue will push the emails to user who is subscribed,if you want to run it in deamon mode,please using this command: nohup php artisan queue:work --queue=emails &
finally,we should run the command :
php artisan schedule:work
which means to publish the content of user has subscribed by the method of crontab,you may also run it in daemon mode,when it is used,you can quit the terminal.